What is WASAVI program?
- 多様性を尊重する意識
- 課題発見-解決能力に要する論理的思考
- 総合的・俯瞰的視野に基づくコミュニケーション能力
We are aiming at nurturing the following three skills;
- To emphasize and respect for others including challenging people,
- Logical thinking to set and solve the crucial social issues,
- Communication skills.
Why should you participate in WASAVI?
- 多様なチームで、解くべき本質的問題に、仮設と検証を重ねてアプローチする
- ラオスの発展への貢献
Through WASAVI program, you can also
- nurture the skill to identify the critical issue with a team by means of setting and verifying hypothsis and
- contribute to the development of Laos.
Considering the recent severe situation due to COVID-19, we chage the schedule below without notice and provide the whole program via online.
- April 02-May 15
参加学生の募集 Application
Please fill in the Google form.
- May 17
参加学生の選考 Notify the acceptance of the program
- May 31
参加者確定後の手続き Confirm participation
- June-July*
事前研修(計5日間) Survey planning and preparation (5 days)
隔週金曜4, 5限に事前研修を実施予定。 To be held on every other Friday, 4th and 5th periods
【研修内容 Contents】
ラオスの一般情報や調査手法などに関する講義および調査計画の立案 About Laotian culture, survey methods and survey planning.
- August
オンライン調査(ウェブアンケート、オンラインインタビュー) Online survey (Online questionnaire, Online interview)
ラオス国立大学の学生と共同しながらサービスラーニングを実施。 Cooporating with students in National University of Laos, you will conduct service learning via online.
【活動内容 Contents】
- 仮説検証(課題の発見)を目的とした調査 Online survey to verify your hypothesis (i.e. to find critical issues)
- September–October
事後研修および最終成果報告会(計2日) Final presentation and report (2 days)
活動報告書の作成およびプレゼンテーションの実施。 You will submit a final report and give a final presentation.
- (Option) March in 2021 **
ラオス渡航 Visiting Laos
希望者は、実際にラオスへ渡航し、追調査を行う。 If you would like to conduct further survey in Laos, we will organize it.
* 詳細な日程は、参加学生のご都合に合わせて、調整いたします。 The actual dates can be changed at your convenience.
** 新型コロナウイルスの影響で、日程が変更になる可能性があります。 Considering the severe situation due to COVID-19, it might be changed.サービスラーニングB
Service Learnig B
以下の全行程に参加できること。 You must fulfill all the duties below.
- 事前研修への参加 To participate in "Survey planning and preparation"
- オンライン調査への参加 To participate in "Online survey"
- 最終報告書の作成および報告会での発表 To submit a final report and give a final presentation.
- 募集人数 Number of participants
- 10–20
- 応募要件 Who can apply?
Those who can participate in "Survey planning and preparation", "Online survey" and "Final presentation and report"
- 参加費用 Fee
¥0 (If you visit Laos, ¥150,000)
- 参加申し込み How to apply
Please fill in the Google form.
- 応募締め切り Deadline
- May 15
- 選考結果発表 Acceptance notification
- May 17