2008 Mars 0413 13 April 2008 (λ=058°Ls, δ=6.4")
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ALLEN, Ethan T
13 April 2008 (λ=058°Ls , ι=37°)
03:47~03:51 GMT (ω=339°W, φ=08°N )

31cm Spec, @f/41
Sebastopol, CA, USA

13 April 2008 (λ=058°Ls , ι=37°)
17:20 GMT (ω=177°W, φ=09°N )

28cm SCT, 2×barlow
Skynyx2-0M mono
Astronomik RGB filters
Tehran, IRAN

13 April 2008 (λ=058°Ls , ι=37°)
21:10 GMT (ω=233°W, φ=09°N )

23cm Maksutov Cassegrain, 390×
Seeing: Ant II-III
(NOTE) The planet is now well past opposition, but surprisingly still shows detail despite the tiny apparent diameter. NPC distinctly seen with dark collar. Dark markings present in south hemishere-Mare Cimmerium.
Catterick Village, nr Richmond
North Yorkshire, UK

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