2008 Mars 0304 4 March 2008 (λ=040°~041°Ls, δ=8.8"~8.7")
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PARKER, Donald C
4 March 2008 (λ=040°Ls , ι=36°)
01:11~01:17 GMT (ω=322°W, φ=01°N )

41cm spec, @ f/47
SKYnyx 2-0
Coral Gables, FL. USA

PEACH, Damian
4 March 2008 (λ=041°Ls , ι=36°)
18:17~18:32 GMT (ω=212°W, φ=01°N )

(36cm SCT)
(SKYnyx 2-0 camera)
Loudwater, Bkh, UK

4 March 2008 (λ=041°Ls , ι=36°)
20:30~21:15 GMT (ω=250°W, φ=01°N )

23cm Maksutov Cassegrain, 310×
Wr#15 (Yellow) filter
Seeing: Ant III
(NOTE) The Martian disk has much shrunk further since the previous observation on 18 Feb, and I doubt profitable observation will be possible for much longer. M Cimmerium/M Tyrrhenum to south of disk with narrow npc on the northern limb, but little else of note.
(Given the area of the Martian disk visible at the time of the observation, I would have expected Syrtis Mj to be present at the following terminator, but didn't record it. Perhaps the disk diameter was too challenging, being about 8 arc seconds, and the seeing not being quite good enough.)

Catterick Village, nr Richmond
North Yorkshire, UK

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