PEACH, Damian
4 March 2008 (λ=041°Ls , ι=36°)
18:17~18:32 GMT (ω=212°W, φ=01°N )
(36cm SCT)
(SKYnyx 2-0 camera)
Loudwater, Bkh, UK
4 March 2008 (λ=041°Ls , ι=36°)
20:30~21:15 GMT (ω=250°W, φ=01°N )
23cm Maksutov Cassegrain, 310×
Wr#15 (Yellow) filter
Seeing: Ant III
The Martian disk has much shrunk further since the previous
observation on 18 Feb, and I doubt profitable observation will be
possible for much longer. M Cimmerium/M Tyrrhenum to south of disk
with narrow npc on the northern limb, but little else of note.
the area of the Martian disk visible at the time of the observation, I
would have expected Syrtis Mj to be present at the following
terminator, but didn't record it. Perhaps the disk diameter was too
challenging, being about 8 arc seconds, and the seeing not being quite
good enough.)
Catterick Village, nr Richmond
North Yorkshire, UK