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No. 375
     Akabane, T., Nakakushi, T., Iwasaki, K., & Larson, S. M.

Diurnal variation of Martian water-ice clouds in Tharsis region of the low latitude cloud belt: Observations in 1995-1999 apparitions, A&A, 384, 678

No. 376
     Kurokawa, H., Wang, T.J., & Ishii, T.T.

Emergence and Drastic Break-Down of a Twisted Flux Rope to Trigger Strong Solar Flares in the Active Region NOAA 9026, ApJ, 572, 598

No. 377
     Wang, T., Yan, Y., Wang, J., Kurokawa, H., & Shibata, K.

The Large Scale Coronal Field Structure and Source-Region Features for a Halo CME, ApJ, 572, 580

No. 378
     Nakakushi, T., Akabane, T., Iwasaki, K., & Larson, S. M.

Mars: Dissipating behavior of the cloud belt, PASJ, 54, L31

No. 379
     Narukage, N., Hudson, H. S., Morimoto, T., Akiyama, S., Kitai, R., Kurokawa, H., & Shibata, K.

Simultaneous Observation of a Moreton Wave on Nov. 3, 1997 in and Soft X-rays, ApJL, 572, L109

No. 380
     Nogami, D., Kato, T., & Baba, H.

Time-Resolved Photometry of GK Persei during the 1996 Outburst, PASJ, 54, 987

No. 381
     Shibata, K. & Yokoyama, T.

A HR like Diagram for Solar/Stellar Flares and Corona - Emission Measure vs Temperature Diagram, ApJ, 577, 422

No. 382
     Asai, A., Shimojo, M., Isobe, H., Morimoto, T., Yokoyama, T., Shibasaki, K., & Nakajima, H.

Periodic Acceleration of Electrons in the 1998 November 10 Solar Flare, ApJL, 562, L103 (2001)

No. 383
     Isobe, H., Yokoyama, T., Shimojo, M., Morimoto, T., Kozu, H., Eto, S., Narukage, N., & Shibata, K.

Reconnection Rate in the Decay Phase of an LDE Flare on 1997 May 12, ApJ, 566, 528

No. 384
     Eto, S., Isobe, H., Narukage, N., Morimoto, T., Thompson, B, Yashiro, S., Asai, A., Wang, T., Kitai, R., Kurokawa, H., & Shibata, K.

Relation between Moreton Wave and EIT Wave Observed on November 4, 1997, PASJ, 54, 481

No. 385
     Shibata, K.

Solar Flares, Jets, and Helicity, in Magnetic Helicity in Space and Laboraotory Plasmas, AGU Monograph 111, 229

No. 386
     Koide, S., Shibata, K., & Kudoh, T.

Relativistic Jet Formation from Black Hole Magnetized Accretion Disks: Methos, Tests, and Applications of a General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Numerical Code, ApJ, 522, 727

No. 387
     Magara, T., & Kitai, R.

Photospheric and Chromospheric Gas Motions around a Dark Filament, ApJ, 524, 469

No. 388
     Koide, S., Meier, D., Kudoh, T., & Shibata, K.

General Relativistic Simulations oF Jet Formation in a Rapidly Rotating Black Hole Magnetosphere, ApJ, 536, 668

No. 389
     Chou, W., Matsumoto, R., Tajima, T., Umekawa, M., & Shibata, K.

Dynamics of the Parker-Jeans Instability in a Galactic Gaseous Disk, ApJ, 538, 710

No. 390
     Shimojo, M., & Shibata, K.

Physical Parameters of X-ray Jets, ApJ, 541, 1100

No. 391
     Magara, T., Chen, P. F., Shibata, K., & Yokoyama, T.

A Unified Model for Coronal Mass Ejection-Related Type II Radio Bursts, ApJL, 538, L175

No. 392
     Kuwabara, T., Shibata, K., Kudoh, T., & Matsumoto, R.

Resistive Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Jet Formation and Magnetically Driven Accretion, PASJ, 52, 1109

No. 393
     Takeuchi, A. & Shibata, K.

Magnetic Reconnection induced by Convective Intensification of Solar Photospheric Magnetic Fields, ApJ L, 546, L73

No. 394
     Yokoyama, T., & Shibata, K.

Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of a Solar Flare with  Chromospheric Evaporation Based on Magnetic Reconnection Model, ApJ, 549, 1160

No. 395
     Yashiro, S. & Shibata, K.

Relation between Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Active Regions as a Probe of Coronal Heating Mechanism, ApJL, 550, L113

No. 396
     Shimojo, M., Shibata, K., Yokoyama, T., & K. Hori

One-dimensional and Pseudo-two-dimensional Hydrodynamic Simulations of Solar X-ray Jets, ApJ, 550, 1051

No. 397
     Nitta, S., Tanuma,S., Shibata, K., & Maezawa, K.

Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Free Space: Self-similar Evolution Process, ApJ, 550, 1119

No. 398
     Tanuma, S., Yokoyama, T., Kudoh, T., & Shibata, K.

Two-Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Numerical Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection Triggered by a Supernova Shock in Interstellar Medium: Generation of X-Ray Gas in Galaxy ApJ, 551, 312,

No. 399
     Saito, T., Kudoh, T., & Shibata, K.

What determines the height of spicules? I. Alfven wave model & slow wave model, ApJ, 554, 1151

No. 400
     Kundou, M. R., Nindos, A., Vilmer, N., Klein, K.-L., Shibata, K., & Ohyama, M.

Metric Radio Emission Associated with X-Ray Plasmoid Ejections, ApJ, 559, 443

No. 401
     Takeuchi, A., & Shibata, K.

Solar Photospheric Mangetic Reconnection, Earth Plasma Space, 53, 605

No. 402
     Kato, T., Matsumoto, K., Nogami, D., Marikawa, K., & Kiyota, S.

1998 Superoutburst of the Large-Amplitude SU UMa-Type Dwarf Nova WX Ceti PASJ, 53, 893

No. 403
     Kato, T., Nogami, D., & Baba, H.

The 1996-1997 Fading of V651 Monocerotis, the Binary Central Star of the Planetary Nubula NGC 2346 PASJ, 53, 901

No. 404
     Kudoh, T., Matsumoto, R., & Shibata, K.

Effect of a Magneto-Rotational Instability on Jets from Accretion Disks, PASJ, 54, 121

No. 405
     Kudoh, T., Matsumoto, R., & Shibata, K.

Are Jets ejected from locally magnetized accretion disks ? PASJ, 54, 267

No. 406
     Kato, S. X., Kudoh, T., & Shibata, K.

2.5-Dimensional Nonsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Magnetically Driven Jets from Geometrically Thin Disk, ApJ, 565, 1035

No. 407
     Liu, B. F., Mineshige, S., & Shibata, K.

A Simple Model for Magnetic Reconnection Heated Corona, ApJL, 572, L173

No. 408
     Chen, P. F., Wu, S. T., Shibata, K., & Fang, C.

Evidence of EIT and Moreton Waves in Numerical Simulations, ApJL, 572, L99

No. 409
     Koide, S., Shibata, K., Kudoh, T., & Meier, D. L.

Extraction of Black Hole Rotational Energy by a Magnetic Field and the Formation of Relativistic Jets, Science, 295, 1688

No. 410
     Baba, H. et al. (with Nogami, D.)

Spiral Structure in WZ Sagittae around the 2001 Outburst Maximum, PASJ, 54, L7

No. 411
     Kato, T., Baba, H., & Nogami, D.

- A Twin of HT Cas ?, PASJ, 54, 79

No. 412
     Uemura, M. et al. (with Nogami, D.)

Optical Observations of XTE J1118 + 480 during the 2000 Outburst, PASJ, 54, 285

No. 413
     Kato, T., Nogami, D., & Masuda, S.

Extended Deep Minimum and Subsequent Brightening of RX And in 1996-1997, PASJ, 54, 575

No. 414
     Shimojo, M., Kurokawa, H., & Yoshimura, K.

Dynamical Features and Evolutional Characteristics of Brightening Coronal Loops, Solar Phys., 206, 133

No. 415
     Asai, A., Masuda, S., Yokoyama, T., Shimojo, M., Isobe, H., Kurokawa, H., & Shibata, K.

Difference between Spatial Distribution of the Kernels and Hard X-ray Sources in a Solar Flare, ApJL, 578, L91

No. 416
     Yamamoto, T. T., Shiota, D., Sakajiri, T., Akiyama, S., Isobe, H., & Shibata, K.

Analysis of Temperature and Emission Measure of Solar Coronal Arcades, and Test of a Scaling Law of Flare/Arcade Loop Length, ApJL, 579, L45

No. 417
     Nitta, S., Tanuma, S., & Maezawa, K.

Self-Similar Solution of Fast Magnetic Reconnection: Semi-Snalytic Study of Inflow Region, ApJ, 580, 538

No. 418
     Isobe, H., Shibata, K., & Machida, S.

"Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry" in Solar Coronal Arcade Formations, Geophysical Reserch Letters, 29, 21, 2014

No. 419
     Takeuchi, T.,T., Shibai, H., & Ishii, T. T.

Simulations of the Infrared Galaxy Number Counts and the Cosmic Infrared Background, Adv. in Space Res., 30, 9, 2021

No. 420
     Kurokawa, H.

Study of Energy Build-up in Solar Flares, Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory, 49, 3, 5

No. 421
     A. Asai, S. Masuda, T. Yokoyama, M. Shimojo, H. Kurokawa, K. Shibata, T.T. Ishii, R. Kitai, H. Isobe, & K. Yaji

Fine Structure inside Flare Ribbons and its Temporal Evolution, in Proc. of the COSPAR Colloquia Series 13, 221

No. 422
     Kurokawa, H., Ishii, T.T., Wang, T.J., & Shine, R.

Pre-flare Heating Around the Temperature Minimum Region Found Right Prior to an X-class Flare, in Proc. of the COSPAR Colloquia Series 13, 257

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