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(1) P
     Akabane, T., Nakakushi, T., Iwasaki, K., and Larson, S. M.,

Mars: The opacity of the equatorial cloud belt in 1997 and 1999,

Proc. 32nd ISAS Lunar Plan. Symp. 192-195 (1999).

(2) P
     Nakakushi, T., Akabane, T., Iwasaki, K., and Larson, S. M.,

The Latest Analyses of the Optical Thickness of Equatorial Clouds: 1997 and 1999

Proc. 32nd ISAS Lunar Plan. Symp. 196-199 (1999).

(3) P
     Nakakushi, T., Akabane, T., Iwasaki, K. and Larson, S. M.,

The Blue Clearing at Syrtis Major and Its Relation to Equatorial Clouds: 1997 and 1999 Observations

The Fifth International Conference on Mars, #6097. LPI Contribution No.972, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston(CD-ROM).


(4) D
     高津 祐通


(5) D
     吉村 圭司

粒状斑模様を用いた局所相関追跡法におけるSystematic Errorについて

(6) D
     桜井 隆(国立天文台)、馬場 直志(北大)、三浦 則明(北見工大)


(7) D
     石井 貴子


(8) K
     武田 秋


(9) F
     森本 太郎


(10) O
     真柄 哲也


(11) D
     上野 悟


(12) D
     川上 新吾(大阪科学館)、當村 一朗(大阪府立高専)


(13) D
     當村 一朗(大阪府立高専)、井田 民男(熊野高専)、北井 礼三郎


(14) O
     Singh, J., Ichimoto, K., Imai, H., Sakurai, T., and Takeda, A.,

Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona I. Spatial Variations in Line Parameters of Green and Red Coronal Lines,

PASJ, 51, 269.

(15) O
     Magara, T., and Shibata, K.,

Evolution of Eruptive Flares. II. The Occurrence of the Locally Enhanced Resistivity in the Preflare Phase,

ApJ, 514, 456.

(16) O
     Kudoh, T., and Shibata, K.,

Alfven Wave Model of Spicules and Coronal Heating,

ApJ, 514, 493.

(17) O
     Chou, W., Tajima, T., Matsumoto, R., and Shibata, K.,

Dynamics of Local Isolated Magnetic Flux Tubes in a Rapidly Rotating Stellar

PASJ, 51, 103.

(18) O
     Tanuma, S., Yokoyama, T., Kudoh, T., Matsumoto, R., Shibata, K., and Makishima, K.,

Magnetic Reconnection as the Origin of Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission,

PASJ, 51, 161.

(19) O
     Shimojo, M., and Shibata, K.,

Occurrence Rate of Microflares in an X-ray Bright Point within an Active Region,

ApJ, 516, 934.

(20) O
     Koide, S., Shibata, K., and Kudoh, T.,

Relativistic Jet Formation from Black Hole Magnetized Accretion Disks: Method, Tests, and Applications of General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Numerical Code,

ApJ, 522, 727.

(21) O
     Kundu, M. R., Nindos, A., Raulin, J. -P., Shibasaki, K., White, S. M., Nitta, N., Shibata, K., and Shimojo, M.,

A Microwave Study of Coronal Ejecta,

ApJ, 520, 391.

(22) O
     Kudoh, T., Matsumoto, R., and Shibata, K.,

Numerical MHD Simulation of Astrophysical Problems by Using CIP-MOCCT Method,

Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, vol. 8, 56-68 (1999).

(23) O
     Shibata, K., and Yokoyama, T.,

Origin of Universal Correlation between the Flare Temperature and the Emission Measure for Solar and Stellar Flares,

ApJ, 526, L49.

(24) O
     Shibata, K.,

Solar Flares, Jets, and Magnetic Helicity, in Magnetic Helicity in Space and Laboraotory Plasmas,

M. Brown, R. Canfield, A. Pevtsov (eds.), AGU Monograph 111, AGU, pp. 229-238, 1999 (invited paper).

in "Numerical Astrophysics", S. M. Miyama et al. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Pub.

(25) O
     Shibata, K., and Yokoyama, T.

MHD Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection and Solar Flares

(26) O
     Tonooka, H., Matsumoto, R., Chou, W., Tajima, T., and Shibata, K.

Three-Dimensional MHD Simulations of the Emergence of Twisted Magnetic Flux Tubes in the Solar Atmosphere

(27) O
     Magara, T., and Shibata, K.

The 3-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Solar Flares

(28) O
     Yokoyama, T., and Shibata, K.

MHD Simulation of a Solar Flare Based on a Magnetic Reconnection Model

(29) O
     Matsuzaki, T., Shibata, K., Tajima, T., and Matsumoto, R.,

Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of High-Beta Disks and Low-Beta Disks

(30) O
     Kuwabara, A., Matsumoto, R., Shibata, K., and Chou, W.

Dynamics of a Magnetic Flux Tube in Differentially Rotating Disks

(31) O
     Hayashi, M., Shibata, K., and Matsumoto, R.

Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Recurrent X-Ray Flares in Protostars

(32) O
     Kuwabara, T., Matsumoto, R., and Shibata, K.

Resistive MHD Simulations of Magnetically Driven Mass Accretion in Active Galactic Nuclei

(33) O
     Koide, S., Shibata, K., and Kudoh, T.

General Relativistic Jet Formation from Black-Hole Magnetized Accretion Disks

(34) O
     Kato, S., Kudoh, T., and Shibata, K.

MHD Simulation of Active Galactic Nuclei Jets

(35) O
     Kudoh, T., Shibata, K., and Matsumoto, R.

2. 5D Nonsteady MHD Simulations of Magnetically Driven Jets from Accretion Disks by Using the CIP-MOCCT Method

(36) O
     Tanuma, S., Yokoyama, T., Kudoh, T., and Shibata, K.

Two-Dimensional Numerical MHD Simulation of Magnetic Reconnection in Galaxy

(37) O
     Kudoh, T., Matsumoto, R., and Shibata, K.

Magnetically Driven Jets from Accretion Disks: The Effect of Magnetorotational

Adv. Space Res. vol. 23, pp 1101-1104, 1999.

(38) O
     Takeuchi, T.T., Hirashita, H., Ohta, K., Hattori, T.G., Ishii, T.T., and Shibai, H.,

IRIS Far-Infrared Galaxy Survey : Expected Number Count, Redshift, and Perspective,

PASP, 111, 288.

(39) O
     Takeuchi, T.T., Tomita, A., Nakanishi, K., Ishii, T.T., Iwata, I. and Saito, M.,

Photometric Properties of Kiso Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies in the Lynx-Ursa Major

ApJS, 121, 445.

(40) O
     Takeuchi, T.T., Hirashita, H., Ohta,K., Ishii, T. T., Yoshikawa, K., and Shibai, H.,

Simulation of the IRIS Far-infared Survey : Guide for Infrared Galaxy Number Counts,

ISAS Report, 673, (1999).

(41) F
     Hori, K., Kosugi, T., Fujiki, K., Koshiishi, H., and Shibasaki, K.,

Microwave Observation of Eruptive Solar Events with and without Flare Activity,

ApJ, 532, 2000.

(42) O
     Magara, T., and Shibata, K.,

Evolution of Eruptive Falres II. The Occurrence of Locally Enhanced Resisitivity,

ApJ, 514, 456.

(43) D
     Magara, T., and Kitai, R.,

Photospheric and Chromospheric Gas Motions around a Dark Filament,

ApJ, 524, 469.

(44) F
     Kitai, R., Kurokawa, H., Funakoshi, Y., Ishiura, K., and Shinkawa, T.,

An Observational Search for Giant Cells in the Sun,

Adv. Space. Res., Vol 24, pp. 237-239, (1999).

(45) K
     Takeda, A., Kurokawa, H., Kitai, R., and Ishiura, K.,

Density Structure of the Coronal Loops Derived from the 1991 Total

ASP Conference Series, Proc. of International Symposium, The Last Solar

(46) K
     Takeda, A., Kurokawa, H., Kitai, R., and Ishiura, K.,

On the Properties of the Green and Red Coronal Loops and Their Contribution to the K-Corona,

PASJ submitted.

(47) O
     Shibata, K.,

Evidence of Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares and a Unified Model of Flares,

Astrophys. and Space Science, 264, 129.

(48) D
     Ishii, T.T., Kurokawa, H., and Takeuchi, T.T.,

Emergence of Twisted Magnetic Flux Bundles and Flare Activity in a Large Active Region NOAA 4201,

PASJ, in press.

(49) O
     Takeuchi, T.T., Ishii, T. T., Hirashita, H., Yoshikawa, K., and Mazmine, K.,

Exploring Galaxy Evolution from Infrared Galaxy Number Count,

in Star Formation 1999, 49, (1999).

(50) O
     Ishii, T. T. , Takeuchi, T.T., Hirashita, H., and Yoshikawa, K.,

Cosmic Star Formation History Required from Infrared Galaxy Number Count : Future Prospect for Infrared Imaging Surveyor (IRIS),

in Star Formation from the Small to the Large Scale, 33rd ESLAB Symposium, SP-445 to appear in 1999.

(51) O
     Takeuchi, T. T., Ishii, T. T., and Yoshikawa, K.,

Tests of Statistical Methods for Estimating Galaxy Luminosity Function and Applications to the Hubble Deep Field : Implication to the Cosmic Star Formation,

in Star Formation from the Small to the Large Scale, 33rd ESLAB Symposium, SP-445 to appear in 1999.

(52) O
     Takeuchi, T. T., Hirashita, H., Ishii, T. T., and Yoshikawa, K.,

Cosmic Star Formation History Inferred from Optical and Far Infrared Observations,

in The Birth and Evolution of the Universe, 4th RESCEU International Symposium,
in press.

(53) O
     Shibata, K.,

Recconection Models of Flares (invited talk),

in Solar Physics with Radio Observations, Proc. Nobeyama Symposium 1998, T.S.
Bastian, N. Gopalswamy, K. Shibasaki(eds.) NRO Reports No.479, 381-389, (1999).

(54) O
     Shibata, K., and Kudoh, T.,

Formation and Collimation of Jets by Magnetic Forces (invited talk),

in Star Formation 1999, Proc. of Star Formation 1999, T. Nakamoto(ed.), Nobeyama Radio Observatory, p263-268,(1999).

(55) O
     Matsumoto, R., and Shibata, K.,

Global three-dimensional MHD simulations of accretion disks and jet formation in AGN,

Adv. Space Res. vol. 23, pp 1109-1112, (1999).

(56) O
     Kuwabara, T., Matsumoto, R., and Shibata, K,

Magneto hydrodynamic simulations of magnetically driven mass accretion in active
galactic nuclei,

Adv. Space Res. vol. 23, pp 1105-1108, (1999).

(57) O
     Tanuma, S., Yokoyama, T., Kudoh, T., and Shibata, K.,

Numerical simulations of magnetic reconnection triggered by a supernova,

Astronomische Nachrichten, 320, 341.

(58) O
     Kudoh, T., Aoki, S., Koide, S., and Shibata, K.,

Are blazar jets magnetically driven outflows?

Astronomische Nachrichten, 320, 311.

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