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No. 341
     Takeuchi,T.T., Hirashita, H., Ohta,K., Hattori,T.G., Ishii,T.T. and Shibai, H.,

The IRIS Far-Infrared Galaxy Survey: Expected Number Count, Redshift, and

PASP, 111, 288-305.

No. 342
     Yoshimura, K., and Kurokawa, H.,

Causal Relations between Loop Emergences and Soft X-ray Brightengins,

ApJ, 517, 964-976.

No. 343
     Magara, T., and Shibata, K.,

Evolutions of Eruptive Flares II. The Occurrence of Locally Enhanced Resistivety,

ApJ, 514, 456-471.

No. 344
     Shibata, K.,

Solar Flares, Jets, and Helicity,

Magnetic Helicity in Space and Laboratory Plasmas, Geophysical monograph III, AGU(1999).

No. 345
     Shibata, K.,

Evidence of Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Flares and a Unified model of Flares,

Astrophys. and Space Science, 264, 129-144.

No. 346
     Shibata, K., and Kudoh, T.,

Formation and Collimation of Jets by magnetic Forces,

Proc Star Formation 1999 (ed,) T.Nakamoto, Nobeyama radio Obs., pp263-268 (1999).

No. 347
     Shibata, K., and Yokoyama, T.,

Origin of Universal Correlation between the Flare Temperature and the Emission Measure for Solar and Stellar Flares,

ApJ, 526, L49-L52.

No. 348
     Shibata, K.,

Reconnection models of Flares,

in Solar physics with Radio Observations, Proc. Nobeyama Symposium 1998, NRO Report No, 479, pp 381-389(1999).

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