MIYAZAKI, Isao (My) Gushikawa-City, Okinawa, Japan
4 CCD Images (14 Mar; 7, 12 Apr) f/? 40cm speculum Lynxx PC
The image on 14 Mar (090°Ls) at ω=201°W is made of an Int image, where Elysium is light and Cerberus is faintly seen. Propontis I and the Atheria dark patch as well as the morning N Alcyonius are very evident. Rima Borealis is visible on the outside of the npc near the CM. The apparent diameter was 14.1 arcsecs.
On 7 Apr (101°Ls) at ω=006 degsW, My composed a TriColour image by R60 for 1.4s, PO1 (Green) for 2.8s, and B390+NR400 for 10.0s:
The morning and the evening whitish mist are clearly evident and the equatorial band mist (ebm: cf another column in this issue) is seen. Hellas
is apparent near the evening limb of the Int image (0.7s exposure). The npc is smaller in the Int.
Instrunment: 404mm refl., Lynxx PC,
Miyazaki took these photos
on 12 April 1997 (103°Ls)
11h47m33s-48m50s (GMT) ω=280°W (left)
14h24m32s-26m11s (GMT) ω=318°W (right)
App. Diam. δ=13.2", Phase angle ι=20°
Filters: R60, PO1, B390, NR400
Exp. : R:1.40sec, G:2.80sec, B:10.00sec.
On 12 Apr, My took twice at ω=280°W and at ω=318°W: In the former the ebm is evident and Elysium is very bright. Syrtis Mj is well mapped in shape and in density and seen misted. Hellas whitish-bright slightly bluish. All details are satisfactory. Rima Borealis was well detached from the npc. The B image is good though the longer wave is slightly leaked (B390+NR400 with which My is not satisfied). Hellas and Elysium very bright in B while the emb fainter. The one at ω=318°W shows already S Meridiani and a main part of M Acidalium. Chryse to Tymiamata is morning misty. The defect of illumination is 20°. The colour of the desert is nicely reproduced and gives a very good impression. The emb is clearly seen.