HIKI, Toshiaki (Hk) Minowa, Nagano, Japan 3 Drawings (26, 27 Jly; 11 Aug) 340× 16cm speculum ISHADOH, Hiroshi (Id) Naha, Okinawa, Japan 3 Drawings (18, 20 July; 14 Aug) 530× 31cm speculum IWASAKI, Tohru (Iw) Kita-Kyushu, Japan 12 Drawings (18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 30 Jly) 400× 21cm speculum MINAMI, Masatsugu (Mn) Fukui, Japan 34 Drawings (18, 19, 22, 23 Jly; 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 15 Aug) 480,600× 20cm refractor* MURAKAMI, Masami (Mk) Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan 8 Drawings (18+, 19+, 20 Jly; 3$ Aug) 315× 10cm refr+/370× 15cm spec 400× 20cm refr$ (Tama AstroObservatory) NAKAJIMA, Takashi (Nj) Fukui, Japan 17 Drawings (18, 19, 20 Jly; 2, 11, 15 Aug) 480,600× 20cm refractor* SCHMUDE, Richard W, Jr (RSc) GA, USA 3 Drawings (3, 6 Aug) 380× 51cm speculum WARELL, Johan (JWr) Uppsala, Sweden 2 Drawings (28 Jly; 4 Aug) 380× 38cm WASHdob at Tenerife, Spain (alt 2080m) * Fukui City Observatory
We also acknowledge receipt of the reports from the following observers
(Deutsch observations were kindly sent to us from Wolfgang MEYER, WFS):
BUGGENTHIEN, Ruediger (RBg) Luebeck, Deutschland
16 Drawings (14,15 Dec; 29 Jan; 1,2,27 Feb; 4,5,6,9,17 Mar;
6,7, 19 Apr; 10,18 Jne)
160,220,240,280× 18cm ED refractor
ISHIBASHI, Tsutomu (Is) Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
7 B&W photos (23 Feb; 4 Mar; 1, 10, 27 Apr; 28, 30 May)
31cm speculum HIE, 400Prest, TP2415
KISMANN, Elmar (EKm) Berlin, Deutschland
1 Drawing (5 Mar) 250× 15cm refractor %
LINKE, Christian W (CLk) Berlin, Deutschland
3 Drawings (5, 7, 8 Mar) 250× 15cm refractor %
VOELKER, Peter (PVk) Berlin, Deutschland
1 Drawing (1 Feb) 185× 11cm refractor
% Wilhelm Foerster Sternwarte, Berlin
On 18 July (150° Ls):, we started at Fukui from 10:00GMT (19:00JST: twilight): The observations by MINAMI (Mn) at ω =060° W and NAKAJIMA (Nj) at ω =065° W recognised the dark Aurorae S but didn't do Eos which was said dust clouded before. Argyre light at the southern (s) limb. MURAKAMI (Mk) observed at ω =075° W where he noticed Chryse-Xanthe light in a creamy tint at the afternoon side, and a dull morning mist. IWASAKI (Iw) then observed at ω =082° W where M Acidalium was still dark near the preceding (p) limb. At Fukui we observed up to ω =089° W(Mn) and ω = 094° W. ISHADOH (Id) observed at ω =102° W where the morning terminator misty from the s limb. The p limb also light preceding the dark and already slim M Acidalium. The north polar cap (npc) was described as follows: small but whitish bright by Nj, bluish white by Mk and shiny by Iw, and small roundish light by Id.
On 19 July: Mk started from ω =048° W (at 09:50GMT) where M Acidalium was dark near the CM and its preceding side was light in a creamy colour. Mk observed then at ω =058° W & 067° W, where Tempe was roundish light and the p limb looked light showing a cream tint. The npr blue-whitish. At Fukui we observed from ω =055° W to ω =089° W: At ω =055° W, the p limb was light from Noachis to Thymiamata. Eos was not light. Tharsis morning misted.
On 20 July: Mk observed at ω =048° W & 058° W, where Chryse-Xanthe is not particularly light. Light patches at the s limb and a morning terminator. The p limb light. Tempe roundish in the latter observation. Nj observed at ω =060° W, and, though annoyed by a thin haze, observed M Acidalium and the shiny npc. Argyre light. Iw made a drawing at ω =063° W, the drawing being numbered 169 for this apparition, but corresponded to the 2001th drawing ever since 1984 when he started as a Mars observer. Still made at ω =072° W where M Acidalium was still quite dark near the p limb. Id observed at ω =068° W where Nilokeras to Ganges faintly seen while Eos was not identified though the p limb light. The morning Tharsis misty. The npc obscure.
On 21 July: Iw observed at ω =053° W & ω =063° W when it was hazy and
the npc didn't shine. Argyre was recognised, and Eos might be faded. A part
of Tempe looked light in the morning.
On 22 July: Mn observed from ω =021° W to ω =060° W: At ω =021° W, S Meridiani was quite inside the disk. The morning Chryse was misty and Tempe dull. Tharsis was also dull while Argyre was very apparent. The p limb at the northern hemisphere was light (phase angle ι =40° ). Hyperboreus L was obscure (hazed?). At ω =031° W, the npc was definite while Hyperboreus L remained obscure. Tempe became whiter. In a Green light, Argyre, the p limb and the npc bright. At ω =041° W, Argyre apparent through O56 filter. Aurorae S was quite dark and Eos looked faded. In Int the npc was bluish white and roundish. Argyre also white. Through a Green light a morning mist was visible. Iw observed at ω =043° W, where Argyre was whitish, a morning mist over Tempe, and the p limb light, and at ω =053° W, the p limb very light and he recognised that Argyre moved by the rotation.
On 23 July: It was hazy at Fukui with poor seeing, just the dark M Acidalium and the light Argyre.
On 24 July: Iw observed at ω =024° W & ω =033° W: The npc was small shiny, S Margaritifer weak. A morning mist following M Acidalium at ω = 024° W. Didn't notice the p-limb light.
On 25 July: Iw observed at ω =014° W where S Sabaeus was definite. At the s limb, a white patch, related with Argyre, was evident. A morning mist following M Acidalium. Margaritifer S faded.
On 29 July: HIKI (Hk) observed at ω =330° W, where Hellas light and Syrtis Mj dark while he didn't recognise S Sabaeus. Noachis rather shadowy. M Acidalium coming.
On 30 July: Hk observed at ω =318° W: Hellas not so light, The western part of S Sabaeus was checked. Iw observed at ω =325° W: Syrtis Mj was still very dark. A bit of Hellas. Noachis dull. S Sabaeus was weak at the eastern part. a white light cloud at the p limb. At ω =335° W, S Meridiani was dark from the morning.
On 1 August (157° Ls): Mn started from ω =286° W, where Syrtis Mj was near the CM while Hellas was not particularly bright. At ω =296° W, the p limb light and in G a morning mist was visible on the other hand. At ω = 306° W, M Serpentis seen dark. The npr was obscure while looked white at ω =316° W. S Sabaeus coming.
On 2 August: At Fukui Nj started from ω =281° W, and Mn from ω = 286° W: Hellas was not so light, and the npc looked whiter. Hellas was nearly at 9:00am local Martian time. Nj noticed the Aetheria dark patch. Up to ω =306° W the day. Hellas remained dull. The npc seen sharply. the p limb slim light.
On 3 August: Mn observed at ω =262° W(09:50GMT) where Ausonia Australis was whitish light. Syrtis Mj was already dark without following mist (phase angle ι =40° ). M Cimmerium was dark near the p limb and its north limb- light. The npc was white. At ω =272° W, Hellas just seen. (City-fireworks downwards at Fukui City.) Mk who observed by a 20cm refr at Kawasaki observed at ω =267° W & 277° W: Syrtis Mj was quite visible from the outset, its southern part darker. A morning mist over Aeria following Syrtis Mj. Ausonia Australis light. Elysium was however not detected. Utopia definite.
On 8 August: Mn watched at ω =213° W where Elysium was not seen.
On 11 August: At Fukui Mn started from ω =186° W, and Nj from ω = 191° W: Both didn't see any light Elysium. Difficult to see the shape of Propontis I. The p-limb light has a lighter core. Up to ω =206° W. Hk observed at ω =194° W, where a dark area including Propondices was seen. The npr was vaguely light. Temperature was 28° C at Minowa (Valley at a mountain side)
On 14 August: Id observed at ω =187° W, where the northern p limb was particularly light. The morning area in the southern part looked misty. The npc obscure.
On 15 August: At Fukui Nj started from ω =157° W, and Mn from ω = 162° W. The northern p limb was bright, maybe the area from Tharsis to Alba.
SCHMUDE (RSc) observed on 3 Aug at ω =135° W & ω =145° W: A light patch at the p limb, not so light as the npc. The dark marking indefinite. On 6 Aug at ω =120° W: the light patch at the p limb prolonged into the inside, the lightest. Another isolated light spot near the CM.
WARELL (JWr) observed at Tenerife on 27 Jly (155° Ls) and on 4 Aug: The former was made at ω =134° W where the npc was blue-whitish and the southern limb is covered by a large creamy matter. Two light patches at the p limb. The latter shows M Acidalium, but the most prominent is the southern -limb light area, off-white. The npc was not well defined. Temperature was 18° C, while the pressure only 790hPa.
BUGGENTHIEN (RBg) made the drawings by use of a
diagonal and so it is difficult for us to judge his observations.
On 15 Jan
at ω =199° W, he isolated Propontis I (app diam δ=9.1"): Elysium seems
visible though he noted Elysium and Cerberus et al were kaum sichtbar.
On 2 Feb at ω =025° W RBg drew Oxia P as a tiny stain.
He also drew on 27 Feb (084° Ls) at ω =154° W Nix Olympica which was at the afternoon side as
a dark spot instead of a light spot.
On 4 Mar at ω =097° W, he observed a
detachment (Eisinsel) inside the npc made by a fissure which he identified
as Rima Tenuis. A light area at Tempe. Solis L roundish but no Tithonius L.
On 6 Mar at ω =028° W (and et al) a dark broad band running from
Nilokeras westward was seen.
Hellas was only observed on 17 Mar (092° Ls)
at ω =319° W where Hellas was only light in B625.
On 10 Jne at ω =212° W, Cerberus-Styx looked very dark.
ISHIBASHI (Is)' s photos are as follows:
23 Feb at ω =017° W, the
southern Thymiamata is light through B390 (Blue filter, see #84 p706), but
interestingly the preceding area of M Acidalium is quite shadowy. The npc is
visible in B390 (though rather obscure in Red and IR).
4 Mar (086° Ls) at
ω =336° W, S Sabaeus and S Meridiani definite in R; the northern part of
the evening Syrtis Mj is quite misted through B390. Hellas a bit seen in B.
Notable is that Cydonia and its surroundings are shadowy through B390, not
distinguishable from the morning M Acidalium. The morning limb is however
misty light.
1 Apr at ω =024° W, as on 23 Feb, the preceding area to M
Acidalium is shadowy in B390. The morning Tempe is slightly faded. Note
however that the aspect is different to that before the opposition.
10 Apr
(102° Ls) at ω =310° W, Hellas is naturally apparent through B390.
Syrtis Mj is not visible in B but the EBC is delicate.
27 Apr (110° Ls) at
ω =163° W, the Tharsis cloud is very conspicuous in B390. On 28 May a set
is taken at ω =124° W. 30 May at ω =194° W, Elysium is light in
addition to Tharsis in B390. Elysium is apparent in a TP photo and Propontis
I is isolated and Cerberus-Styx is dark (App diam δ=9.2").
Is's work is
composed of 7 sets but a total 57 photos are used.
KISMANN (EKm)'s observation was made on 5 Mar at ω =045° W and LINKE (CLk)'s ones on 5 Mar at ω =043° W, and on 7/8 Mar at ω =045° W/ 054° W: all show M Acidalium near the CM with the npc.
VOLKER (PVk) made a drawing on 1 Feb at ω =013° W: M Acidalium was in the morning. The npc looks too large.
Reports will be acknowledged if air-mailed to M MINAMI at Mikuni
(ask the mail-address through vzv03210@niftyserve.or.jp ) .