94/95 Mars Note CMO logo

CMO 1994/1995 Mars Note

The HST Martian Images on 25 Feb. 1995 (064 degrees Ls)

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1994/95 CCD Mars by D. C. PARKER (I). Before Opposition (Ls 359-058 degrees)

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3. From CMO #167 (25 Sept. 1995, p1711)
Chryse-Xanthe vs Tempe through Blue Light in Early Feb.1995

1995年2月上旬における青色光でのクリュセ−クサンテとテムペ (Japanese)
East End of Sinus Sabaeus and Mare Serpentis

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5. From CMO #170 (25 Dec. 1995, p1775)
The Recession of the North Polar Cap Observed by Tohru IWASAKI (Ls 010-080 degrees)
岩崎徹氏の北極冠 (Ls 010゚-080゚) (Japanese)
The Recession of the 1995 North Polar Cap Observed by David GRAHAM (Ls 035-090 degrees)

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1994/95 CCD Mars by D. C. PARKER (II). After Opposition (Ls 058-111 degrees)

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The Recession of the 1995 North Polar Cap Observed by Hiroshi ISHADOH (Ls 000-077 degrees)

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The Recession of the 1995 North Polar Cap Observed by Johan WARELL (Ls 353-083 degrees)

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Mere Hellas, but No Mean Hellas (When became Hellas Whitish Bright?)

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The Recession of the 1995 North Polar Cap Observed by Samuel WHITBY (Ls 350-083 degrees)

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12. From CMO #177 (25 Jul. 1996, p1871)
On the North Polar Cap by the HST on 8 Apr/ 1995 at 082 degs. Ls
1995年4月のハッブル望遠鏡による北極冠(082゚Ls) (Japanese)
13. From CMO #179 (25 Sept. 1996)
On the White-Cloud Activity of Alba Observed at the End of January 1995 at 051degs.Ls
1995年一月のアルバの白雲活動(051゚Ls) (Japanese)