- From #177 we cite three articles -
* 1994/1995 Mars Note (12)
* 10 Years Ago (7) - CMO #012(10 July 1986) and #013(25 July 1986) - (Japanese)
* This may be the final report of the 1994/95 apparition in this column, and we report here that we received with thanks several drawings from A NIKOLAI three months ago (cf #175 p1846):
Andr NIKOLAI (ANk) Berlin, Deutschland
12 Drawings (1, 15 Dec 1994; 17 Jan; 12, 20 Feb; 9, 16 Mar; 14, 24 Apr; 1, 28 May 1995)
375, 470x 15cm Refr, 500x 32cm Refr, 140x 6cm Refr, 333x 10cm Refr, 225x15cm Coud Refr where the 15cm and the 32cm Refractor belong to the WFS, and ANk used them on 1, 15 Dec, 17 Jan, 27 Apr and on 1, 28 May. ANk uses several filters and the above drawings are counted to be composed of a set of 25 drawings. ANk sent us them compiled in a floppy disket; the image of any drawing on the monitor looks good, and this method suggests that making the copies of the drawings through a scanner is effective, while in his case we are not easily able to compare them because in his TIF file each drawing occupies the whole screen, and furthermore the TXT file is not directly shown on the same screen. Anyway a set of printed sheets will be great help to us if they are accompanied to the disket.
Ben-Chu LIN (Ln) Taiwan, ROC
1 Colour Photo (12 Feb 1995)
by use of a 10cm Takahashi spec on Fuji G400
The image is small but taken at LMC=312 degs.W with Mars near at opposition and shows well the evening Syrtis Mj as well as the morning M Acidalium. S Sab us is also clearly seen. The morning mist at Chryse is whitish and the npc is largely bright.
* Our work is very slow, but recently Takashi NAKAJIMA and the present writer submitted a short report of the activity of our Mars Section in 1994/95 to the Heavens, the OAA Journal (written in Japanese).
According to the statistic in it, during the season, we received a total of 2559 numbers of observations from 17 domestic members (an RGB set of photos is counted as one, and any video image is regarded new if it is separated from the preceding one by more than 40 minutes). Out of 17 observers, the following are the members who secured more than 50 observations:
In addition to the above observers, M ADACHI, H ASADA, T ISHIBASHI, Y OHBA, K OKANO, N MATSUMOTO, Y NAKANO, T SASAMOTO contributed. ISHIBASHI's photos, though only a few, played an important role several times as reported.
*The statistics also showed that we received a total of 753 observations from 50 overseas observers. We are thankful to all of the observers who sent us their observations during the apparition. The following are the observers who contributed to us by more than 20 observations:
In addition to the above observations, several contributions from France, Germany, Italy, UK, USA et al were also helpful to us regardless of their small numbers of observations.
In the above table, WARELL's work at La Palma is not included (to be reported in a coming issue).
See you in the upcoming apparition in this column !
Andr NIKOLAI アンドレ・ニコライ(ANk) ドイツBerlin, Deutschland
12 Drawings (1, 15 Dec 1994; 17 Jan; 12, 20 Feb; 9, 16 Mar; 14, 24 Apr; 1, 28 May 1995)
375, 470×15cm Refr, 500×32cm Refr, 140×6cm Refr, 333×10cm Refr, 225×15cm Coud Refr
ANk氏は最初と最後に、WFSの望遠鏡を使っている。32cmはバムベルク屈折である。ANk氏の報告はフロッピーディスク一枚に入っている。スケッチ像はモニターで見ると、實によく再現されている様子で、所謂ゼロックスの像より優れている。 從って、今後この方法は有効であると思う。然し、ANk氏の場合は像とTextが別々で、實際には面倒である。また、画面の中で好みの形で比較が出来ないのも不便である。それに報告用紙は別に作って貰わなければいけない。
Ben-Chu LIN 林 本 初 (Ln) 臺灣・阿里山 Taiwan、 ROC 1 Colour Photo (12 Feb 1995) by use of a 10cm Takahashi spec on Fuji G400
♂・・・・・・・・火星課の1994/95年接近の觀測ついては、中島 孝(Nj)氏と協同で総括執筆し、既に『天界』に投稿済みである。本文で四頁強の筈であるが、前に一頁強頂戴するにも苦労し、一頁に減らされたので、圖は入っていない。
「OAA MARS SECTION」は、この時期から各月初日と15日までの観測を報告するように観測者にむけて#012にコメントされている。したがって両号で六月下旬から七月15日までの観測報告が纏められている。この期間は日本では梅雨にあたり、報告数は少なかった。台北でも七月上旬は台風の接近もあって、観測の出来なかった日もあると記されている。視直径も最大になり、さらに詳しく捉えられた表面模様の特徴が模式図入りで紹介されている。ニロケラスの双葉形や、グレースの泉が初めて言及されたのもこの#013であった。
(Mk) 村上昌己