Abstract and Presentation File


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Invited & Oral

0. Opening Talk
K. Shibata opening talk PPT

1. Instrumentation
T. Kosugi overview PPT
T. Tarbell Observing the Photosphere and Chromosphere with the Solar Optical Telescope and its Focal Plane Package PDF
K. Ichimoto Optical Performance of the SOT: Test Report for the Flight Telescope PPT
T. Sakao The X-Ray Telescope aboard Solar-B: An Overview PPT
E. Deluca XRT Calibration and Performance PPT
L. Culhane The Solar-B EUV Imaging Spectrometer: Instrument Overview and Performance PPT
H. Hara Solar-B EUV Imaging Spectrometer PPT
M. Shimojo Archiving, Distribution and Analysis of Solar-B Data PPT

2. Convection, Sunspots & Dynamo
G. Scharmer Observations and interpretations of sunpots fine structure
R. Stein Solar Magneto-Convection Simulations PPT
A. Pevtsov Helicity as the ultimate test to the surface dynamo problem PPT
T. Berger What are "Faculae"? PPT
T. Shimizu Supersonic downflows in the photosphere discovered in sunspot moat regions PPT

3. Magnetism of Quiet Sun and Active Regions
A. Title Magnetism of the Quiet Sun PPT
B. Schmieder What we can learn from vector magnetic field measurements about filaments? PPT
M. Kubo Magnetic Correspondence between Moving Magnetic Features and Penumbral Magnetic Fields PPT
H. Zhang Observational Study of Solar Magnetic Active Phenomena PPT

4. Waves and Shocks : chair M. Carlsson
V. Hansteen Waves and shocks in the solar atmosphere PDF
N. Narukage Flare-associated shock waves observed in soft X-ray PPT
K. Hori Flare-associated oscillations in coronal multiple loops observed with the Norikura Green-Line Imaging System PDF

5. Chromospheric Heating
B. De Pontieu Chromospheric dynamics PPT
J. Chae Chromospheric reconnection PPT

6. Coronal Heating
G. Doschek Coronal heating and the connectivity photosphere-corona PPT
B. Gudikson Topological Dissipation and the Solar Corona PPT
P. Heinzel Limb prominences seen in UV, EUV and SXR PPT
Y. Katsukawa Observational analysis of the relation between coronal loop heating and photospheric magnetic field PPT

7. Local Helioseismology : chair J. Davis
D. Chou Local Helioseismology PPT
T. Sekii SOT time-distance helioseismology in and around active regions PPT
A. Kosovichev Observations of the MHD and helioseismic responses to flare energy-release events PPT

8. Emerging Flux : chair L. Golub
F. Moreno-Insertis Flux emergence into the solar atmosphere
H. Kurokawa Observations of magnetic field reconnection at the base of EFR surges PPT
H. Isobe 3D MHD simulations of emerging flux and associated reconnection PPT

9. Reconnection
M. Yamada Expectation to Solar B from laboratory plasma physicist PPT
J. Buechner Solar Coronal Modelling Based on Observed Photospheric Magnetic Fields Including the Microphysics of Reconnection PDF
D. Longcope An Observational Technique for Quantifying the Rate of Magnetic Reconnection PPT
M. Linton 3D Reconnection Simulations of Descending Coronal Voids PPT

10. Flares
H. Wang Observations of preflare condition PPT
A. Asai Evolution H-alpha Flare Kernels and Energy Release PPT
K. Kusano A Holistic Modeling of the Transition Process from Pre-Flare Sigmoid to Flare Eruption PPT

11. Coronal Mass Ejections
J. Karpen 3D Simulations of Large-Scale Coronal Dynamics PPT
L. Harra Solar Origins of Interplanetary Shocks

H. Opgenoorth ESA's view on Solar-B PPT

12. Solar Wind
S. Cranmer UVCS Observation of Solar Wind and Its Modeling PPT
M. Kojima What coronal parameters determine solar wind speed ? PPT
T. Suzuki Self-consistent MHD modeling of solar wind PDF

13. Discussion and Summary
S. Tsuneta Discussion on Initial Observing Plans PPT
B. Lites summary1 PPT
T.Sakurai summary2 PPT


1. Instrumentation
K. Dere Application of CHIANTI to Solar-B P01
K. Ichimoto Calibration of the polarization property of SOT P02
Y. Katsukawa Calibration of SOT Dopplergrams P03
T. Okamoto Examinations of the relative alignment of the instruments on SOT P04
T. Shimizu Estimate on SOT light level in flight with throughput measurements in SOT sun test P05
M. Shimojo The SOLAR-B Science Center in Japan P06
Y. Suematsu Optical Performance of Optical Telescope Assembly of SOT: Confirmation of Diffraction-Limited Performance P07
Y. Suematsu On the Evaluation of Optical Performance of Observing Instruments P08
M. Weber Temperature Analysis with XRT P09

2. Convection, Sunspots & Dynamo
H. Potts Small scale magnetic cancellation driven by supergranular scale flows P11

3. Magnetism of Quiet Sun and Active Regions
M. Hagino Skew Angle and Magnetic Helicity in Solar Active Regions P12
Y. Hanaoka H-alpha Polarimetry and Magnetic Field Structure in the Chromosphere P13
H. Jeong Evolutionary Characteristics of Magnetic Helicity Injection in Active Regions P14
J. Jurcak The use of spectro-polarimeter measurement to determine the plasma heating P15
S. Keil Scientific Plans for the Advanced Technology Solar Telescope P16
E. K. Lim Determination of Magnetic Helicity of Solar Active Regions Using the Linear FOrce-free Field Model P17
B. Lites The Community Spectro-Polarimetric Analysis Center P18
S. Nagata The spatial distribution of hot and cool coronal loops and asymmetric Stokes profiles P19
S. Solanki The Visible-Light Imager and Magnetograph(VIM) on Solar Orbiter P20
S. Solanki SUNRISE:high-resolution UV/VIS observations of the Sun from the stratosphere P21
T. Yamamoto Helicity Injections in Regions of Various Magngetic Fluxes P22

4. Waves and Shocks
L. Heggland Wave dynamics of the upper solar atmosphere P23
V. Nakariakov Solar B as a tool for coronal wave studies P24
R. Walsh Atmospheric Seismology:Observed co-temporal oscillations by CDS and TRACE and implications for Solar-B instrumentation P25
T. Yokoyama Measurement of energies of MHD waves generated by a microflare by SOLAR-B P26

5. Chromospheric Heating
S. Kamio The Relation between EUV Brightenings and Dark Mottles in the Quiet Sun P27
R. Kano Micro-Flare and High-Speed Down-Flow observed with VTT P28

6. Coronal Heating
J. Cirtain The Unresolved Active Region Corona P29
R. Y. Kwon Magnetic Twist of EUV Coronal Loops Observed by TRACE P30
J. Noglik Investigation of coronal loop temperatures using three EUV filters and implications for future work with Solar-B P31
S. Parenti Modeling the radiative signatures of turbulent heating in coronal loops P32
K. Shibasaki Plasma diamagnetism and solar coronal activity P33
P. Young Studying transition region phenomena with Solar-B P34

8. Emerging Flux
T. Magara Flux cancellation associated with flux emeregence on the Sun P35
T. Miyagoshi MHD Numerical Simulations of an Emerging Flux Tube for studying effects of twist intensity and associated Active Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere P36
S. Nozawa 3-D Magnetohydrodynamics Simulations of the Solar Emerging Flux P37
S. Notoya Three-dimensional disruption of coronal arcade fields by an emerging flux tube P38
M. Shimizu MHD simulation of emerging magnetic flux by CIP-MOCCT method P39
K. Yoshimura Correlation between increases of magnetic fluxes and brightenings of coronal structures around emerging flux regions P40

9. Reconnection
S. Inoue Simulation Study of Three-Dimensional and Nonlinear Dynamics of Flux Rope in the Solar Corona P41
Y. J. Moon Low Atmosphere Reconnections Associated With An Solar Eruption P42
K. Nagashima A statistical study of the reconnection rate in solar flares P43
K. Nishida MHD Simulation of Plasmoid-Induced-Reconnection in Solar Flares P44
S. Nitta Self-similar Reconnection : A new model for astrophysical application beyond the Petchek model P45
M. Shimizu The correlation among physical quantities in Masuda-type flares as indicated from the magnetic reconnection model P46
D. Shiota XRT and EIS Observations of Reconnection Associated Phenomena P47
S. Tanuma Internal Shocks in the Magnetic Reconnection Jet in Solar Flares : Dependence on Resistivity Model P48
G. Vekstein Coronal Heating By Forced Magnetic Reconnection P49

10. Flares
T. Hirayama Energy Conversion in the Solar Flare due to Direct Electric Fields as a Result of the Sheared Magnetic Reconnection P50
H. Hudson TRACE and RHESSI observations of white-light flares P51
D. Innes High velocity Doppler shift observations of 10MK flare plasma P52
J. Khan Observations of simultaneous retracting and expanding loops above a flaring arcade P53
S. Lartey Morphology and Spectral Behavior of Solar Hard X-Ray P54
H. Mason Active Region and Flare Observations with SOHO-CDS, what can we learn for SolarB P55
S. Masuda Hard X-ray and radio observatons of an arcade-type flare on the solar limb P56
D. McKenzie Supra-Arcade Downflows : Results from Observational Analysis P57
T. Minoshima Quantitative analysis of nonthermal electrons in impulsive hard X-ray flares P58
M. Oka Non-thermal Electrons at Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks : Statistical Properties and the Whistler Critical Mach Number P59
Y. Suematsu Change in Sunspot Proper Motion and Its Relation to Flare Onset P60
H. Takasaki The Relation between Soft X-ray Egections and Hard X-ray Emission on 2000 November 24 Flare P61
H. Winter Combining Hydrodynamics Modeling with Test Particle Tracking to Improve Flare Simulations P62

11. Coronal Mass Ejections
C. Goff Multiwavelength study of a CME : linking an erupting filament to a rising coronal X-ray source P63
Y. Liu Observational evidence for the relationship between Halpha surges and large-scale coronal activities P64
R. Moore Origin of the Sheared Magnetic Fields that Erupt in Flares and Coronal Mass Egections P65
A. Nindos Studying the magnetic origin of solar eruptions with SOLAR-B data P66
A. Sterling Observing Filament Eruptions with Solar-B P67
I. Suzuki Three Dimensional Motion of Plasmas Associated with Coronal Mass Ejections Observed with NOrikura Green-line Imaging System(NOGIS) P68
D. Tripathi Evolution of the photospheric magnetic field in the source regions of coronal mass ejections P69
D. Williams Eruption of a Kink-unstable Filament in Region NOAA 10696 P70

12. Solar Wind
L. Ofman The energetics of the slow solar wind P71
R. Woo Filamentary Structures int eh Solar Corona P72
Y.Yamauchi Role of small-scale dynamics in coronal holes and quiet regions for coronal heating and solar wind acceleration P73