DST Monitor Image of the Target Region

* Slit length: 20 mm = 128 arcsec

* 2005 Oct 20-21th (r=4' 42", p=+100deg from celestial north, slit-angle= -15deg from solar NS direction)
H-alpha + 0.5 A (23:41:49UT) H-alpha center (23:41:51UT)

* 2005 Oct 19-20th (r=5' 24", p=+244deg from celestial north, slit-angle= -52deg from solar NS direction)
H-alpha + 0.5 A (01:32:29UT) H-alpha center (01:32:32UT)

* 2005 Oct 18-19th
H-alpha + 0.5 A H-alpha center