初期値固定 | 初期値可変(中央値) |
初期値固定 | 初期値可変(中央値) |
初期値固定 | 初期値可変(中央値) | 初期値可変(加重平均) |
初期値固定 | 初期値可変(中央値) | 初期値可変(加重平均) |
△ Contrast Error : 7.1241848e-06 ◇ Contrast Error : 0.014548338 □ Contrast Error : 7.6997350e-05 |
△ Contrast Error : 0.018954524 ◇ Contrast Error : 0.0070212340 □ Contrast Error : 0.013131361 |
△ Contrast Error : 7.1241848e-06 ◇ Contrast Error : 0.0070430056 □ Contrast Error : 7.6085125e-05 |
Source function | |
Optical depth | |
Doppler width | |
Doppler velocity | |
Error sum of squares |
Hα center | Source function | Optical depth |
Doppler width | Doppler velocity | Error sum of squares |
Hα center | Source function | Optical depth |
Doppler width | Doppler velocity | Error sum of squares |
Hα center | Source function | Optical depth |
Doppler width | Doppler velocity | Error sum of squares |
Hα center | Source function | Optical depth |
Doppler width | Doppler velocity | Error sum of squares |
Hα center | Source function | Optical depth |
Doppler width | Doppler velocity | Error sum of squares |