Hisashi Hayakawa’s Data Repository

1. Sunspot Observations

1) Thaddäus Derfflinger’s Sunspot Observations: 1802-1824

Hayakawa, H., Besser, B. P., Iju, T., Arlt, R., Uneme, S., Imada, S., Bourdin, P.-A., Kraml, A. (2020) Thaddäus Derfflinger's sunspot observations during 1802-1824: A primary reference to understand the Dalton Minimum, The Astrophysical Journal, 890, 98. doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab65c9

Data 1: Sunspot group number in Derfflinger’s observations

Data 2: Sunspot positions in Derfflinger’s observations

Original manuscripts available at Kremsmünster Observatory

2) Hisako Koyama’s Sunspot Observations: 1945-1996

Hayakawa, H., Clette, F., Horaguchi, T., Iju, T., Knipp, D. J., Liu, H., Nakajima, T. (2020) Sunspot Observations by Hisako Koyama: 1945 - 1996, Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, 492, 4513-4527. doi: 10.1093/mnras/stz3345

Data 1: Observations with her 3-cm aperture telescope from 1945 Sep 6 to 1946 Jan 23

Data 2: Observations with her 20-cm rafractor telescope with 10-cm projection from 1946 May 4 to 1947 Jan 21

Data 3: Observations with her main telescopes from 1947 Jan 21 to 1996 Dec 31 (external)

Original manuscripts available at the National Museum of Nature and Science of Japan

3) Sunspot Observations in the Eimmart Observatory: 1681-1718

Hayakawa, H., Kuroyanagi, C., Carrasco, V. M. S., Uneme, S., Besser, B. P., Sôma, M., Imada, S. (2021) Sunspot Observations at the Eimmart Observatory and its Neighbourhood during the Late Maunder Minimum (1681 – 1718), The Astrophysical Journal, 909, 166. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/abd949

Data 1: Sunspot group number

Original manuscripts available at the National Library of Russia (f. 998)

4) Daniel Mögling's Sunspot Observations: 1626-1629

Hayakawa, H., Iju, T., Murata, K., Besser, B. P. (2021) Daniel Mögling's sunspot observations in 1626 - 1629: A manuscript reference for the solar activity before the Maunder Minimum, The Astrophysical Journal, 909, 194. doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/abdd34

Data: Mögling's sunspot group number

5) Stephan Prantner’s Sunspot Observations during the Dalton Minimum

Hayakawa, H., Uneme, S., Besser, B. P., Iju, T., Imada, S. (2021) Stephan Prantner’s Sunspot Observations during the Dalton Minimum, The Astrophysical Journal, 919, 1. doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/abee1b

Data 1: Prantner's sunspot group number

2. Space Climate

1) The solar coronal structure in 1706 and 1715

Hayakawa, H., Lockwood, M., Owens, M. J., Sôma, M., Besser, B. P., van Driel, L. (2021) Graphical evidence for the solar coronal structure during the Maunder Minimum: comparative study of the total eclipse drawings in 1706 and 1715, Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 11, 1. OI: 10.1051/swsc/2020035

Data 1: A catalogue of the eclipse images/records examined in this article

Data 2: A catalogue of total/hybrid eclipses during the Maunder Minimum

3. Space Weather Events

1) The Intensity and Evolution of the Extreme Solar and Geomagnetic Storms in January 1938

Hayakawa, H., Hattori, K., Pevtsov, A. A., Ebihara, Y., Shea, M. A., McCracken, K. G., Daglis, I. A., Bhaskar, A., Ribeiro, P., Knipp, D. J. (2021) The Intensity and Evolution of the Extreme Solar and Geomagnetic Storms in January 1938, The Astrophysical Journal, 909, 197. doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/abc427

Data 1: The auroral records during 14-26 January 1938

2) Temporal Variations of the Three Geomagnetic Field Components at Colaba Observatory around the Carrington Storm in 1859

Hayakawa, H., Nevanlinna, H., Blake, S. P., Ebihara, Y., Bhaskar, A., Miyoshi, Y. (2022) Temporal Variations of the Three Geomagnetic Field Components at Colaba Observatory around the Carrington Storm in 1859, The Astrophysical Journal, 928, 32. doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac2601

Data 1: The Colaba spot measurements

Data 2: The Colaba hourly measurements

Data 3: The Colaba Sq variations

Coming soon…


2022 Dec 1: Some references were updated.

Correspondence to: hisashi_at_mark_nagoya-u.jp (Replace “_at_mark_” with “@“).

Copyright © Hisashi Hayakawa and his co-authors. All rights reserved.