2014 Mars 0725
25 July 2014
(λ=167°Ls, δ=8.2"~8.1")
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25 July 2014 (λ=167°Ls, ι=43°)
11:00 GMT (ω=324°W, φ=22°N )
28cm SCT @ f/45
ASI 120MC & Basler Ace acA1300-30gm
Sakai, Osaka, JAPAN

NISHITA, Akinori
25 July 2014 (λ=167°Ls, ι=43°)
11:10 GMT (ω=326°W, φ=22°N )
30cm Spec
Skyris 618M
Astronomik RGB, IR70 filters
Awara, Fukui, JAPAN
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