λ=003°Ls, ( ω=325°~337°W, φ=03°N ), δ=15.9", ι=08°
I made a series of Mars observations while visiting a friend (Michael
Palermiti of Jupiter, Florida).
The observations were made on
December 16, 2007 (01:50-02:45 U.T.).
I noted a good amount of
detail over the regions between Syrtis Major and Mare Erythraeum.
first observation (left image) was made using an excellent Orion XT10
(10-inch (25-cm) F/4.8 Dobsonian refIector.
The middle and right
images were made using a 7-inch (18-cm) aperture stop over a 20-inch
(52-cm) F/3.5 Newtonian reflector producing an unobstructed F/10
focal ratio (1,778 mm focal length).
Seeing (1-10): 5-6, Antoniadi (I-V): III Transparency (1-6): 5-6
Left image (01:50 U.T., XT10 Dobsonian reflector, 136x):
Hellas is
very bright to extremely bright (8-9/10) over the south-preceding
limb. Hellespontus appears as a dark to dusky (3-4/10) diagonal bar
across the central meridian (CM). Mare Australe appears dusky to
shaded (4-6/10) and mottled. Noachis appears dusky to shaded (4-6/10)
and mottled as well. Deucalionis Regio appears bright (7/10). Iapygia
Viridis appears dull to bright (5-7/10) over the preceding limb
adjacent to a very bright to extremely bright (8-9/10) evening limb
haze (ELH). Deltoton Sinus appears dark to dusky (3-4/10) and
mottled. Sinus Sabaeus appears dark to dusky (3-4/10) with an
irregular northern border. Meridiani Sinus appears dark to shaded
(3-6/10) towards the following limb (Edom appears bright (7/10) with
possible haze noted over it). Syrtis Major appears dark to dusky
(3-4/10) and mottled with an overlying bright to very bright (7-8/10)
haze over it's eastern (preceding) half. Aeria, Arabia, Moab, Eden,
Cydonia, and Dioscuria appear shaded to bright (6-7/10). Protonilus,
Ismenius Lacus, and Deuteronilus appear dark to dusky towards the
northern limb. Mare Acidalium (eastern portion) appears dark to dull
(3-5/10) towards the north-following limb. Extremely bright (9/10)
southern limb haze (SLH), morning limb haze (MLH), northern limb haze
(NLH), and evening limb haze (ELH) is visible.
Middle image (02:15 U.T., 7" F/10 Unobstructed reflector, 142x and
The same descriptions as above with Syrtis Major closer to the
preceding limb and Meridiani Sinus and Mare Acidalium more prominent
towards the following limb.
Right image (02:45 U.T., 7" F/10 Unobstructed reflector, 178x):
same description as above with a very prominent Sinus Sabaeus and
Meridiani Sinus on the CM. Eastern portions of Margaritifer Sinus
(4/10) and Mare Eryhtaraeum (4-6/10) are visible over the following
Observer: Carlos E HERNANDEZ, Miami FL