2006 Mars Images 0309   9 March 2006 (λ=022°~023°Ls)
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9 March 2006 (λ=023°Ls, ι=38°)
20:20~21:00 GMT (ω=030°~039°W, φ=07°S)
10cm refractor,   250×
  SPC: not seen but on a brighter area than northen closed features.
  NPH: a slightly white area only circled by a thin darkened boundary not so contrasted.
  Chryse not seen.
  Niliacus lacus and Mare Acidalium present.
  Bright area under Sinus Meridiani.
  Legend: B (bright), W (white).
Seeing conditions were good and features seen during calm times.
H loc = UT + 1H.
All drawings are done with a 102mm refractor and a 90° diagonal.
South at top.

Ecquevilly, France

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