2006 Mars Images 0217 17 February 2006 (λ=013°Ls)
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TYLER, David
17 February 2006 (λ=013°Ls, ι=38°)
16:23 GMT (ω=165°W, φ=12°S)
36cm SCT, @ f/55
Lumenera 075 camera
Trutek filters
Flackwell Heath, Bkh, UK

PEACH, Damian
17 February 2006 (λ=013°Ls, ι=38°)
17:19~18:42 GMT
(ω=179°, 183°, 195°, 199°W, φ=12°S)
35cm SCT, @ f /40
Lumenera Lu075M
Another set of images : (R, B)
Loudwater, Bkh, UK

17 February 2006 (λ=013°Ls, ι=38°)
19:08~19:15 GMT (ω=205°W, φ=12°S)
25cm Dall-Kirkham Cass @ f /59
modified mono ToUcam Pro
Trutek (type1 Red and type2 Blue)
Stag Lane Observatory
Edgware, Middlesex, UK

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