2006 Mars Images 0123 23 January 2006 (λ=001°Ls)
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23 January 2006 (λ=001°Ls, ι=38°)
17:40~18:30 GMT (ω=062°, 072°W, φ=17°S)
15cm refractor,   248×
(Note): H loc = UT + 1H.
All drawings are done with a 90° mirror diagonal and 152mm refractor.
South at top.

Ecquevilly, France

23 January 2006 (λ=001°Ls, ι=38°)
17:56 GMT (ω=065°W, φ=17°S)
28cm SCT, 350× 380×
(Note) : Seeing : 6-7/10, Transparency : 5/6 (windy)
-MARE ERYTHRAEUM appeared dull
-NILIALACUS LACUS appeared dusky to dull
-Bright cloud was noted over PAVONIS LACUS (1)
-The NPH was visible (fading)
Hattstatt, FRANCE

PELLIER, Christophe
23 January 2006 (λ=001°Ls, ι=38°)
18:13~18:46 GMT (ω=071°, 077°W, φ=17°S)
21cm Mewlon, @ f /52, 63
ATK-1HS, Lumenera LU075M
nr Paris, FRANCE

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