2005 Mars Images 1218 18 December 2005 (λ=342°~343°Ls)
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BUNGE, Robert
18 December 2005 (λ=342°Ls, ι=29°)
01:20 GMT (ω=162°W, φ=20°S)
11cm spec (f /10), 270×
(Note) : Seeing 8 out of 10. Cool, partly cloudy, 32F. No wind. No sign of the south polar hood this evening, but some P limb brightening slightly north of the equator. Dark area to the north, near the north polar hood interesting.
Bowie, MD, USA

PARKER, Donald C
18 December 2005 (λ=342°Ls, ι=29°)
01:43 GMT (ω=168°W, φ=20°S)
41cm spec, @ f/55
ST9XE Camera
Coral Gables, FL. USA

18 December 2005 (λ=342°Ls, ι=29°)
08:56, 09:38 GMT (ω=273°, 283°W, φ=20°S)
20cm Dall-Kirkham, @ f/88
1゚, 0.5゚wedge prism
ToUcam Pro (IR-blocked)
Sakai, Osaka, JAPAN

PELLIER, Christophe
18 December 2005 (λ=343°Ls, ι=29°)
18:00~19:10 GMT
(ω=046°, 053°, 061°W, φ=20°S)
21cm Mewlon, @ f /69
Lumenera LU075M
nr Paris, FRANCE

18 December 2005 (λ=343°Ls, ι=29°)
18:48~19:48 GMT (ω=058°W, 072°W, φ=20°S)
30cm Dall-Kirkham, @ f /50
ToUcam Pro ICX424
La Carolina, Jaén, SPAIN

18 December 2005 (λ=343°Ls, ι=29°)
19:33 GMT (ω=068°W, φ=20°S)
20cm SCT, 2×Barlow
ToUcam Pro II
Busto Arsizio, (VA) ITALY

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