2005 Mars Images 1208 8 December 2005 (λ=337°Ls)
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BUNGE, Robert
8 December 2005 (λ=337°Ls, ι=24°)
01:20 GMT (ω=255°W, φ=20°S)
11cm spec (f /10), 212×
(Note) : Seeing 7 out of 10. Very cold, 27F, light wind, but some clouds to the south. Bright area on P limb, right at the equatorial area, very apparent, perhaps the most appearent feature on the disk. Small bright spot at the south cap assumed to be the South Polar Hood. Some faint hints of the North Polar hood. Limited amounts of surface detail.
Bowie, MD, USA

8 December 2005 (λ=337°Ls, ι=24°)
15:16, 15:35 GMT (ω=097°, 102°W, φ=20°S)
20cm SCT, @ f /28
ToUcam (IR block)
(Note) : The observing location is Cebu, PHILIPPINES.
Tochigi, JAPAN

KARRER, Michael
8 December 2005 (λ=337°Ls, ι=24°)
16:50 GMT (ω=120°W, φ=20°S)
18cm refractor, @ f /44
DBK 21AF04 imaging sorce (IR Block filter)
St. Radegund, AUSTRIA

TYLER, David
8 December 2005 (λ=337°Ls, ι=24°)
20:47 GMT (ω=178°W, φ=20°S)
36cm SCT, @ f/47
Lumenera 075 camera
Trutek type1(Red), type2 (Blue)
Flackwell Heath, Bkh, UK

PEACH, Damian
8 December 2005 (λ=337°Ls, ι=24°)
20:47 GMT (ω=178°W, φ=20°S)
35cm SCT, @ f /40
Lumenera Lu075M
Loudwater, Buckinghamshire, UK

8 December 2005 (λ=337°Ls, ι=24°)
21:10~22:15 GMT (ω=184°~196°W, φ=20°S)
10cm refractor, (f /10), 200×
SPC: only a brighter area. SPC is not as great as drawn (haze presence?)
NPH: a white dot circled with a dark collar is seen (all filters) and bright haze east and west of the dot.
Ausonia: only bright with W11 and W80A n W56.
Solis Lacus area: bright area on with W56 and W11 filter.
Eridania does not give specific feature and contour (W80A).

Seeing conditions were average only and features rather seen during calm times.
H loc = UT + 1H.
All drawings are done with a 90°mirror diagonal and 102mm refractor.
Legend: B (bright).

Ecquevilly, France

8 December 2005 (λ=337°Ls, ι=24°)
23:13 GMT (ω=214°W, φ=20°S)
25cm Dall-Kirkham Cass @ f /30
modified mono ToUcam
Trutek type1(Red), type2 (Blue)

Stag Lane Observatory, Edgware,UK

8 December 2005 (λ=337°Ls, ι=24°)
23:22 GMT (ω=216°W, φ=20°S)
23cm SCT, @ f /34
Arnhem, The Netherlands

8/9 December 2005 (λ=337°Ls, ι=24°)
23:45, 00:15 GMT (ω=222°, 229°W, φ=20°S)
23cm Mak-Cass (f /13.5),   248×, 290×
Miami FL USA

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