2005 Mars Images 1205 5 December 2005 (λ=335°~336°Ls)
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PARKER, Donald C
5 December 2005 (λ=335°Ls, ι=22°)
01:33~02:33 GMT (ω=284°~299°W, φ=19°S)
Another Set of images: R, B images
41cm spec, @ f/55
ST9XE Camera
Coral Gables, FL. USA

5 December 2005 (λ=335°Ls, ι=22°)
03:10~04:38 GMT (ω=308°~329°W, φ=19°S)
20cm SCT, @ f /20
ToUcam Pro II
Holtsville, NY, USA

BUDA, Stefan
5 December 2005 (λ=335°Ls, ι=22°)
11:01 GMT (ω=062°W, φ=19°S)
40cm Dall-Kirkham, @ f/35
ToUcam 740 (UV & IR Block)
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

5 December 2005 (λ=335°Ls, ι=22°)
20:00~21:05 GMT (ω=194°W, φ=19°S)
10cm refractor, (f /10), 200×
SPC: only a bright area, not white as before (November) with a dark collar (all filters).
NPH: a white dot circled with a dark collar is well seen (all filters) and bright haze east and west of the dot.
Nix Olympica: it seems a white cloud on (seen with W11, W80A, W38A, not the W56 filter).
Hellas and Ausonia: only bright with W11 and W80A not the W56.
Solis Lacus area: bright area on with W38A filter.
A white dot is seen south of Hellas Ausonia with W11 filter.
Eridania does not give specific feature and contour.

Seeing conditions were pretty good and features rather contrasted.

All drawings are done with a 90° mirror diagonal and 102mm refractor.
Legend: B (bright), W (white).

Ecquevilly, France

5 December 2005 (λ=336°Ls, ι=22°)
21:41 GMT (ω=219°W, φ=19°S)
15cm spec, @ f /41
ToUcam 740 Pro, UV-IR Cut (B+W#486)
Ludwigsburg, GERMANY

TYLER, David
5 December 2005 (λ=336°Ls, ι=22°)
22:34 GMT (ω=232°W, φ=19°S)
36cm SCT, @ f/50
Lumenera 075 camera
Trutek type1(Red), type2 (Blue)
Flackwell Heath, Bkh, UK

5 December 2005 (λ=336°Ls, ι=22°)
23:20, 23:56 GMT (ω=243°, 252°W, φ=20°S)
25cm Dall-Kirkham Cass @ f /40
modified mono ToUcam
Trutek type1(Red), type2 (Blue)

Stag Lane Observatory, Edgware,UK

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