2005 Mars Images 1203  3 December 2005 (λ=334°~335°Ls)
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BEISH, Jeffrey D
3 December 2005 (λ=334°Ls, ι=21°)
00:00~00:30 GMT (ω=280°W, φ=19°S)
41cm Newtonian, 335, 500×
Lake Placid, FL, USA

TYLER, David
3 December 2005 (λ=335°Ls, ι=21°)
20:40 GMT (ω=222°W, φ=19°S)
36cm SCT, @ f/50
Lumenera 075 camera
Trutek type1(Red), type2 (Blue)
Flackwell Heath, Bkh, UK

McKIM, Richard J
3 December 2005 (λ=335°Ls, ι=21°)
21:12 GMT (ω=230°W, φ=19°S)
41cm Dall-Kirkham, 255×, 410×
Peterborough, UK

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