2005 1125 JBs Note
Martian Drawing on 25 November 2005
at 00:50~01:30 GMT by Jeffrey D BEISH.

  λ=330゚Ls,   (ω=004°~014°W   φ=19°S),   δ=17.9",   ι=15°

  Seeing = 7-8, Transparency 6, Altitude 60°.
BC = 1. Sky clear, M31&M33 seen naked eye, seeing good. Morning and evening limb arc/haze bright. Hellas either cloudy. NPH bright, M. limb cloud next to NPR. Chryse clear. SPC visible, fine detail -- at times it seems to be divided.

41cm f /6.9 Newtonian, 335-500×
Wratten Filters: W23A, W25, W33, W57, W64, W38A, W47.

The Beish Observatory is located (81°19'34.7"W, 27°21'07.1"N) at Lake Placid, FL, USA.

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