λ=330°Ls, ( ω=087°, 094°W, φ=19°S ), δ=17.8", ι=15°
Instrument: 9" F/13.5 Maksutov-Cassegrain
Magnification: 248×, and 290×
Filters (Wratten): 30 and 38A
S (1-10): 5-6 (periods of 7), Antoniadi (I-V): III
Transparency (1-6): 5
Left Image
(06:30 U.T. IL/W30):
The South Polar Cap (SPC) was very
small and brilliant (10/10) surrounded by a dark (3/10) collar. Mare
Australe appeared dusky to dull (4-5/10) and mottled. Solis Lacus was
visible just preceding the CM appeared dark to dusky (3-4/10) with
northern (Geryon (5/10) and Calydon (4/10)) and southern (Ambrosia
(5/10) and Bathys (4/10)) projections over Thaumasia (7/10). Solis
Lacus appeared to be mottled within during moments of steady seeing.
Nectar (3-4/10) was visibly connecting Solis Lacus to Mare Erythraeum
(3-4/10). Protei Regio appeared shaded to bright (6-7/10) within Mare
Erythraeum. Aurorae Sinus appeared as a dark (3/10), bifid projection
from the north-following border of Mare Erythraeum. Agathodaemon
(Coprates) was visible as a dark to dusky (3-4/10), curvilinear
projection from the following (western) border of Mare Erythraeum
connecting to the Tithonius Lacus complex (3-4/10, Melas Lacus, Noctis
Lacus, Echus Lacus, Hebes Lacus, and Ius Lacus). Bosporos Gemmatus was
dark to dusky (3-4/10) with condensations within it. Aonius Sinus
(3/10) was visible following the CM. Daedalia appeared bright (7/10)
between Phasis and Araxes (5/10). Mare Sirenum was visible following
the CM, towards the following limb. and appeared dark to dusky
(3-4/10). Phaethontis appeared bright (7/10) south of Mare Sirenum.
Niliacus Lacus (3-4/10) and Mare Acidalium (4/10) were visible towards
the north-preceding limb, partially obscured by clouds/haze (8-9/10).
Tharsis , Arcadia and Amazonis appeared bright (7/10). Dusky to dull
(4-5/10) albedo features were noted over (or visible through) a
semi-transparent North Polar Haze (NPH, 8-9/10). Thin and extremely
bright (9/10) morning and evening limb hazes (MLH and ELH) were noted
as well.
Right image (07:00 U.T. W38A): Solis Lacus and Mare Sirenum were visible as dull (5/10) albedo features. Extremely bright (9/10) morning limb haze (MLH) and evening limb haze (ELH) were visible as well.
Observer: Carlos E HERNANDEZ, Miami FL