2005 1101 JBs Note
Martian Drawing on 1 November 2005
at 07:00~08:00 GMT by Jeffrey D BEISH.

  λ=316゚Ls,   (ω=306°~ 321°W,   φ=15°S),   δ=20.2",   ι=06°

Dust storm raging. Dusty haze over Hellas, Hellespontus, Noachis, Deuteronilus, Sabaeus Sinus, bright dust clouds over much of he morning limb from Meridiani Sinus to Margaritifer Sinus, south and north into Chryse. Nice dust storm, reminds me of the 1990 October or November dust storm that never made it to the big time. Knee hurst, to the hot tub and bed!

  Seeing = 8-9, Transparency 6, Altitude 69°.
  BC = 2+

41cm f /6.9 Newtonian, 500-1005×
Wratten Filters: W23A, W25, W33, W57, W64, W38A, W47.

The Beish Observatory is located (81°19'34.7"W, 27°21'07.1"N) at Lake Placid, FL, USA.

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