2005 Mars Images 0814 14 August 2005 (λ=268~269°Ls)
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TYLER, David
14 August 2005 (λ=269°Ls, ι=46°)
03:41 GMT (ω=265°W, φ=16°S)
28cm SCT, @ f /46
ToUcam 840
Flackwell Heath, Bkh, UK
(Note) : Seeing was mostly poor but I had a couple of lucky reds and used them as L with rgb and toucam colour mixed.

FUMEGA U, Camilo
14 August 2005 (λ=269°Ls, ι=46°)
04:30 GMT (ω=277°W, φ=16°S)
31cm spec
Ourense, SPAIN
(Note) : Seeing 4/10,Ttransparency 2/5

14 August 2005 (λ=269°Ls, ι=46°)
09:20 GMT (ω=347°W, φ=16°S)
40cm spec.@ f /47
ToUcam 740
(Note) : Seeing 5/10, Transparency 2/10.
nr Greenwood, SC, USA

BUNGE, Robert
14 August 2005 (λ=269°Ls, ι=46°)
09:30 GMT (ω=351°W, φ=16°S)
43cm spec , 260, 480×
Bowie, MD, USA
(Note) : Markings around the NPH were easy to see with darker areas appearing around the Mare Acidalium region. The Chryse area appeared bright in white light, but not with the 47W. cA bright area in the south P edge, against the terminator appeared, in white light, to extend slightly above the terminator. This area (Hellas?) was only slightly apparent with the 47W.

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