LtE in CMO #258

From Dr P Clay SHERROD

@. . . . . . . Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2002 12:54 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - Feb. 23, 2002

 Images thus far from tonight with good seeing conditions; a bit of bothersome glare from the gibbous moon only 1d north.


"jupiter0223a" - Europa seen at left; note the fine delineation of the central portion of the NEB and the approach on the right limb of a large NEZ festoon.  Very nice broken morphology within the southern temperate latitudes.


"jupiter0223b" - continuation from "jupiter0223a", showing clearly the dark gray prominence of the NEZ festoon; NEB barge B-5 is on CM, followed by spot WS-3.


@. . . . . . . Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 2:24 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - February 24, 2002 - OVAL BA & GRS

 High thick stratus clouds moving in....first image is quite interesting:




 - Note the new dusky oval within the southern region of the STrZ just e. of the CM and seemingly associated with the south edge of the SEBs. Also, note the clearly delineated development of the large bright diagonal RIFT in the NEB.

 The oval BA is clearly on the pr. side of the longitudinal center of the GRS at this time. Note the continued development both in intensity and eastward elongation of the dark streak pr. the GRS within the mid latitudes of the STrZ. Oval BA is beginning to appear quite dusky and losing it brilliance attained only days earlier and the perimeter "border" has now reverted to an amophous brownish spreading of clouds rather than a distinct peripheral outline.


"jupiter0224B" -


Seeing very poor. GRS measured at center = 76.4 (II) / 166.8 (III).  Note the intensity of the area immediately pr. oval BA. BA is now clearly east of the longitudinal center of the GRS by a bit.  Growing dark intensity fol.  GRS and BA intersection area, and much disjointed current evident in this area. Notice the tremendous development and intensity of the great NEB RIFT near the CM in this shot.


@. . . . . . . Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 1:27 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol Image - Feb. 25, 2002

 One image from tonight's effort due to increasing clouds and very poor seeing conditions. Interesting development since last night (Feb. 24, however).


 Note dark barge B-4 on far right edge. NEB bright diagonal rift is now complete in disjuncture of the NEB from near similar long. of the GRS all way to dark barge B-4 in NEB. Note the very dark new spot in the SEBn, just fol. the GRS and continued activity fol. GRS and oval BA.


@. . . . . . . Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 8:49 PM

Subject: Re: ASO Jupiter Patrol Image - Feb. 25, 2002

 Hello Geoff and all -

You are correct that the very dark spot IS Europa's shadow (that WOULD be an interesting feature if it were a new dark oval!!)...

 I was referring to the very small dark spot near a white oval area immediately following the GRS, much smaller and less intense that Europa's shadow!

 Thanks - and I am glad you mention this so that I can clarify if it was confusing.  As astute an observer as you are, if it confused you then certainly it did everyone!

 Look for that little spot very close and to the right of the GRS in the image "jupiter0225a".



@. . . . . . . Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 11:19 AM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - FIRST SEND - Feb. 27, 2002


"jupiter0227a" –


 Seeing good and steady with high wind (temp. is 19dF) - Note the fine and deep rift just east (right) of the CM in the NEB; also note the increasingly dark/dusky oval at the south edge of the SEBs and into the STrZ just west of the CM - the streak (SEBss?) pr. the GRS (far right) is growing in longitudinal expanse to the east and also in intensity. SEBs is extremely dark and thick immediately pr. the GRS.


"jupiter0227b" -


Seeing good and steady with high wind (temp. is 20F) Oval BA has grown in a SE to NW orientation and is very much "bean-shaped" at this time; note the darkening of its border on the pr (east) side. NOTE: some activity now associated from BA on the SSE perimeter of GRS! (dark marking on GRS perimeter). The dark barge associated with the conspicuous NEB rift is growing in intensity and the rift is becoming still more increasingly divided and distinctly wide.


@. . . . . . . Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 12:18 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - Nice clean image of BA & GRS

"jupiter0227c" -


 Seeing is excellent. Note the dark marking within the center of the GRS and the wonderful activity that has surfaced fol. oval BA....nice current structure on both pr. and fol. ends of the GRS. The NEB rift is shown clearly and appears to be establishing an even great separation than in previous days.


@. . . . . . . Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 1:23 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - Barge B-4

 A pretty nice view of "the other side" away from all the hustle-bustle of convergences and interactions! A portrait of barge B-4....


"jupiter0227d" -


Seeing good. Nice activity seen in NEZ....barge B-4 just east of CM in NEB.

Note the dark streak in SSTB, immediately following the disturbed area behind oval BA; this appears to "merge" within the active area fol. BA.


@. . . . . . . Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 1:50 PM

Subject: ASO Feb. 27, 2002 - Final Image - B & W high contrast


Seeing Good - compare this CCD black and white image with that of "jupiter0227c" taken only minutes before. The results of the convergence of the GRS and oval BA is quite clear in this high contrast view.


@. . . . . . . Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 12:47 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - Feb. 28, 2002

Seeing is very poor with scattered clouds.



"jupiter0228a" -


 Seeing very poor.  Note dark NEB barges B-5 & B-6 to the west of the CM; NEB oval WS-3 (located between these two barges and a bit north in latitude) is not as conspicuous as in previous weeks. Bright oval in STZ; note also the conspicuous and long festoon emanating from the s. edge of the NEBs into the NEZ and merging at the equatorial current.


"jupiter0228b" -


 Seeing improved but poor. Note barges B-5 (east of CM) and B-6 (on CM in this image). NEB white oval WS-3 between them has substantially "closed" with respect to the NEBn and its overall size is diminished within the past 10 days. Nice festoon and NEX white spot with extended streak across equatorial latitudes.


@. . . . . . . Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 1:08 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter - March 1, 2002

"jupiter0301a" - very nice detail visible


Seeing fair. Note dusky SEBs/STrZ oval at CM (35d II); NEW oval object on NE perimeter of GRS, just preceding.


"jupiter0301b" -


 Seeing very poor with intermittent clouds. Note the dark small spot due south (above in image) the GRS....this, according to the ASO records, is not a satellite shadow so likely is a transient and new dark spot within the STZ.  Note the increasing intensity of activity surrounding the GRS and BA.


@. . . . . . . Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 11:07 AM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - March 4, 2002 - FIRST SEND

 A beautifully steady night tonight thus far.  Some incredible activity continuing within the NEB, with the strong diagonal rift increasing in both separation and in longitudinal expanse.


"jupiter0304a" -


dusky oval feature at s. edge of SEBs and into STrZ continues expansion longitudinally.  Note the growth of the NEB rift and the bright intensification of the "opened" area in the diagonal separation.  Nice dusky oval on n. edge of NTB, just west of CM.  Europa is seen at right.  See also "jupiter0304b"


"jupiter0304b" -


 Seeing very good. Incredibly beautiful detail seen around GRS and oval BA now....note the intense streak pr. GRS and the very dark nature of the zonal area immediately following the GRS/BA interaction. Very vague circular area in SEZ is Europa (also "jupiter0304a").  NEB rift is increasing in breadth and in longitudinal extent greatly.


@. . . . . . . Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 11:32 AM


 The indicator for the location of the Jovian satellite Europa was in error on the first send of the ASO Jupiter image "jupiter0304b"....please note the correction on this attached image.

Thanks -


@. . . . . . . Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 12:44 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - March 4

 Final image for March 4. Seeing conditions were very good but considerable wind and cold.  Note barge B-4 rotating into view and considerable extent and breadth of the expanding NEB rift at this time.

 Much activity following the point of confluence of the GRS and BA....

"jupiter0304c" -


@. . . . . . . Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 1:05 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - March 10, 2002


"jupiter0310a" -


 Seeing fair to good. Note the intensely bright NEB oval WS-4 just east (left)of CM, followed by barge B-1 which appears to now be intersecting the fol. edge of WS-4.  Note also the very fine activity that appears to be beginning near the CM and following within the STrZ, this perhaps related to the associated activity that has developed in that current during recent weeks.  Also, intensification of the NTB begins very near this CM.


@. . . . . . . Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 12:40 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - March 11, 2002

Fairly good seeing tonight.....

"jupiter0311a" -


 Seeing good; note the very active regions surrounding the GRS and the intense darkening of the southern 1/2 of the GRS. Oval BA now very dusky and appears to have a faint line of delineation N-S across its mid-point.

 Considerable darkening between STB current and southern edge of GRS.


"jupiter0311b" -


 Seeing good; very nice activity south of GRS and within the South Equatorial Belt Zone (SEBz). Note NEB dark barge B-4 rotating into view at extreme right limb. Satellite Europa is seen to the left of Jupiter.


@. . . . . . . Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 11:38 AM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - March 23, 2002

 We have been totally socked in for 10 days with heavy rain and lingering fogs.  Clearing last night but seeing was impossible to even focus to image.

 Worst possible seeing conditions tonight as well. Image obtained only to monitor converging white spots in SSTC (top, above GRS). The two SSTC converging spots can be seen nearly on the CM (appears a bit to the pr. side of CM, about 79 deg. System II).  Shadow is that of IO.

link to ASO archives:


(the system is being please be patient in getting on....)

P Clay SHERROD (Arkansas, USA )  

Arkansas Sky Observatory

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