LtE in CMO #257

From   Edward Arnold GRAFTON

@. . . . . . Subject: Jupiter Observation Feb. 15th 2002 at 02:16 and 2:26 UT

Hi Jupiter Observers,

Here is an observation from Feb. 15th 2002. The oval BA can be seen to be almost at the same longitude as the GRS. It has a rather flat border on its S. side and the boundary where it meets the GRS is darkened. Many white spots and festoons are visible.


The sky was very transparent, 9/10, and seeing was good, 7/10, with a 3 MPH SE wind. No dew was present.

Jupiter images:

  Ed Grafton, Houston Texas, ST5C CCD and a 14 inch f/11 Celestron SCT

  Barlow Projection to f/27 aprox .21 arc seconds per pixel.

   Image data:


                6 BLUE  + IR rejection, .3  seconds, SBIG filter

                6 GREEN + IR rejection, .3  seconds, SBIG filter

                6 RED      + IR rejection, .3  seconds, SBIG filter

                ~50 clear filter, No IR .1 s

(15 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . Hi Jupiter Observers,

 Here is an enlarged section of images sent from the 2-15-2002 observation showing the GRS and the oval BA. The boundary between the GRS and the oval has a "gap" in it possibly indicating some increased interaction beteen the two.

(16 February 2002 email)

 Ed GRAFTON (Houston, Texas, USA)

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