LtE in CMO #257


@ . . . . . . Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - FIRST SEND - January 26, 2002

Seeing is rapidly steadying up here and these two images are provided; much nice detail preceding the rift areas as well as the very turbulent areas near the GRS; note the strong bridging between the STrZ streak (SSEB) and the SEBsouth.

 A lot of disruption is seen (later image: "jupiter0126b") within the NEB northern 1/2 through a great expanse where the belt appears to be sheared southward to the linear mid-latitude expanse of this belt.


@ . . . . . . Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 2:12 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - SECOND SEND - Notice

 Here is an image obtained under very steady skies; note carefully what appears to be perhaps two (2) very dusky ovals just preceding the GRS in the STrZ; the one immediately pr. is about the same overall size as oval BA but is not as well delineated.


@ . . . . . . Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 4:04 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - THIRD SEND

 Areas coincident with the longitude of the GRS and oval BA...very steady conditions.


@ . . . . . . Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 5:30 PM

Subject: ASO Jupiter patrol - Final Send - January 26, 2002

 Fair conditions and getting worse....note intensity of dark barge B-4 and the subsiding rift that has preceded it for many months; although still sharp and well defined, the extent of this rift has greatly shortened (withdrawn eastward from B-4) in only recent days.  Notice festoon emanating from pr. end of the rift into NEZ.


@ . . . . . . Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 11:02 PM

Subject: Re: ASO Jupiter patrol - Final Send - January 26, 2002

 Thank you, Clay, for this fine images. Their contrast is a little bit much, but the objects detail seems to be real. I agree with your remarkings.    Andre


@ . . . . . . Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 11:01 PM

Subject: Major structural changes of NEB

 Please note the comparison from the ASO image of last night (Jan. 26, 2002) to that of the same face on Jan 12, 2002.  The extremely bright and pronounced RIFT that had preceded barge B-4 is now waning remarkably fast and substantially in intensity. 12) 26)


This is a remarkable morphological change that has occurred only in a period of two weeks.  It is odd that this subsidence of the large and long-lived rift (since October, 2001) has occurred within the outbreak of OTHER rifts throughout the NEB in at least two other longitudes.

 In addition, note images:


which clearly show a physical interaction now in effect between the NE perimeter of oval BA and the SW edge of the GRS.

 To study the long-term changes of barge B-4, you can use the ASO Image Archives Longitude Reference; merely go to:

and press "reset."  Then type in a longitude CM2 range "From 130 To 170" and that will provide you with a chronological reference of all images of B-4 from January 26 into October of last year, centered on that feature.

@ . . . . . . Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 12:50 AM

Subject: Showing New ovals PRECEDING GRS

 Attached is a black and white STV-CCD image of Jupiter from January 26; compare this with "jupiter0126d" already sent (full color).  In this B & W image you can clearly make out two dusky ovals PRECEDING the GRS in the STrZ...the one closest to the GRS pr. end is slightly offset to the south axially and smaller than the more prominent one pr. it.  Oval BA is very distinct as well in this image. Specs:TC-237 320 x 200 binned 1x1, 10-bit depth

@ . . . . . . Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 11:49 AM

I am attaching three new sequenced images from early tonight centered on the GRS longitudes....this area is absolutely dynamic right now...if you will notice from the second and third images ("b" and "c"), there is yet another NEW very bright white spot that has emerged north (below in images) and very close to the large oval BA.

 Right now it appears that BA is attempting to traverse south of the GRS...much of the early cloud interaction that I recorded during the past few days has subsided, with what appears to be a clearly-defined border (actually two of them now!) around BA.  Notice also the bright NEB rift (lower right, last image, "jupiter0127c") continues to wane from previous weeks; it has been conspicuous all the way to the large dark barge B-4 (on the far right limb, very dark) until just this past week.


@ . . . . . . Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 9:42 PM

Subject: More Aspects of BA and the GRS

 I would like to refer you to three images obtained in the ASO Jupiter Patrol last night (Jan 27, 2002 U.T.) with some important comments regarding both oval BA and the GRS.

1) note from images "jupiter0127c" and "jupiter0127b" the distinct indication of TWO "stacked" features with oval BA; you can see a clear delineation and a faint border encompassing the perimeters of TWO ovals of nearly equal color and intensity; these are oriented in a near north-south orientation with their center longitudes nearly coincident.

 Note that the more northerly of the two is a) smaller; b) has a distinct red hue (see best in "jupiter0127b") and is offset slightly WEST in relation to the larger feature, which is more coincident with the true BA oval.

2) Note the COLOR of the GRS in recent days....none of the ASO patrol images are processed with added color; the GRS, particularly to the southern regions of it, has begun to demonstrate a stronger hue of very subtle pink over previous weeks and appears to "may" be intensifying within its southern 1/2.

3) Also note that there appear to be several very vague brighter features actually preceding the GRS in the STrZ, two that can be barely discerned immediately pr. the spot and several very small ovals that appear "deflected" along the GRS southeastern perimeter.

4) The very bright NEB rift seen just west (fol. side) of the CM seen clearly in

continues to show signs of rapid subsidence in recent days; it once continued westward diagonally through the NEB until a clear intersection with the incredibly prominent barge B-4, but now remains only a short segment of its original self....

 Although the oval BA is predicted to "make it out alive" from its impending run-in with the GRS, I think that we should all still be very attuned as often as possible for rapid developments in these areas.

(two images) and


@ . . . . . . Not a particularly good night for imaging; only two images taken in very turbulent air.

(28 January 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 10:45 AM

Subject: Need some help....

 I am having serious e-messaging problems today and last night with incoming and outgoing messages; some are making it and some are not.  I apparently have lost a full day of valuable correspondence that was due in her today.

 I would appreciate it greatly if my correspondents here on the Jupiter group could get back with me in response to this message to verify if they receive this message....

 It is cloudy and stormy here, so I have all night to wait for your response!

Thanks to all in advance.

@ . . . . . . To: "Murakami" <>

Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 8:41 PM

Subject: Re: Need some help....

 Hello and thanks for your reply....

 I DO HAVE A QUESTION, HOWEVER....I was noticing that your Jupiter group has not been posting nor referring our images at all that we have been sending for almost five months.

 We have very prominently displayed the excellent links to their site via our website, but all the contributions that we have sent your way apparentlyare

not being used.  Is there a reason for this and should we cease sending the >images each night?

 I was under the impression that the ASO Patrol Images were wanted and welcomed, but to date none of our information has even been acknowledged by your group!?

 I would greatly appreciate an answer or perhaps just a note that it is not necessary to send the daily Patrol images over.  Thanks and thank you so much for responding!                 

@ . . . . . . From: "Clay Sherrod" <>

To: "Murakami" <>

Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 2:10 AM

Subject: Re: Re:Re: Need some help....

 Hello. It sounds as if you have taken offense at my message of concern about our sending data and information. Obviously it appears that for whatever reasonwe have been sending information to some wrong locations from what I can gather.

 I really did not see any reference whatsoever to your being "slow" in my concern for attempting to determine if our information was of any use to your organizations.....I had been told by the editor of Sky and Telescope magazine of your links and have been sending data, indeed, since October.

 Although I was quite aware of your outstanding work on Mars recording, this was the only link that I had been afforded to your organizations in Japan.

 There was NEVER any attempt to degrade nor insult anyone and I am very sorry that you took my message in such a way. Since it apparently was, then I sincerely apologize on behalf of everyone at ASO.

 (4 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - First Send - Feb. 4, 2002

NOTES: "jupiter0204b" - Seeing poor.  NOTE incredible dark feature in NEBsouth just west (right) of CM; this is a distinctly gray (slight blue tinge to the eye and on the CCTV) and irregular feature.  Also note the intensifying NEB barge B-1 on CM; located tonight at: 49.8 (I); 311.6 (II); 36.6 (III). Note very nice bridging between the thin STrZ streak and the s. edge of the SEB!

NOTES: "jupiter0208a" - Poor conditions with heavy fog.  Note apparent growth E-W of oval BA and its position relative to the GRS; also note the expansion "swelling" at the NEB points immediately W. of the CM.  Improved delineation of the SSTB near CM.

"jupiter0208b" - seeing unimproved with heavy frost.

 Poor conditions with frost.  Note the incredible dark gray irregularly shaped "cloud" in the NEZ immediately w. of the CM as well as the large elongated yellowish oval fol. that.  A wonderful northward lateral shift of the southern components of the NEB.  Note the PINK nature of oval BA and its greatly expanded size and definition.

(8 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - Final Send - February 8, 2002

"jupiter0208b-1/ CCD - Conditions poor with fog.  Compare this CCD image with that of "jupiter0208b" and note the fine and turbulent detail within the NEZ and that following the oval BA.  The increase in both the size and overall "clarity" in brightness of oval BA is evident in this image.

(8 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - February 9, 2002 - FIRST SEND

NOTES:Seeing conditions are not good, with considerably variable air currents....

"jupiter0209b" - Seeing poor to fair; note the very intense brightness and the distinct yellow color of NEB oval WS-4 just W of the CM in this image, followed by the dark barge B-1.  Note that the STrZ is becoming incredibly "dusky" near the pr. end of the now-short-lived STrZ streak, beginning at about the CM (II - 292d) of this image.

(9 February 2002 email)

@ . . . . . . Subject: ASO Jupiter - SECOND SEND - Feb. 9, 2002

NOTES: "jupiter0209c" - Seeing fair - very nice detail within the NEZ; note the fine bridging between the STrZ streak and the SEBsouth edge.  Interesting activity near CM in the northern temperate/polar regions!

(9 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . Subject: ASO Juipter patrol - February 12, 2002 - FIRST SEND

After nearly a week of winter weather and heavy fogs, we are finally getting a "clear sky break" but the seeing conditions are suffering badly after the passage of a weak cold front and the approach of yet another.  Seeing is seeming to improve tonight and my first send is attached.

Notes: "jupiter0212b" - dissipation of much traces of the long-lived STrZ streak pr. the GRS.  Also note the very fine dusky oval at the s. edge of the SEBs in the STrZ; very subtle remnant of once prominent rift within the NEB.

(12 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . This is a very nice shot with steady skies.   Note the clarity of the dusky oval BA and the beautiful fine detail visible in the SEBzone following the GRS.

 Also note the development of perhaps a GRS "hollow" immediately fol. the GRS.

NOTE:  there appears to be some type of "bridging" activity between the GRS and oval BA at this time; if you look carefully at this image you can see a dusky lane at the SW edge of the GRS extending to the NE edge of oval BA.

(12 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . .Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - SECOND SEND - February 12, 2002

 Here is a contrasting B & W CCD low res image which shows the very dark gray marking on the s. edge of the NEBs and associated festoon into the NEZ. The intense gray streak within the NEZ and NEBs edge is shown very clearly in the color image, with the similarly colored festoon fol.

 Also note the increase in the overall area of oval BA and the very pronounced pr. border now nearly coincident with the center long. of the GRS.

 (12 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . Very turbulent seeing, but eeked out a couple of shots early.  NOTE: the very dark gray streak noted on 02-12-02 is seen clearly in the color image just east of the CM; note the intensity of the related festoon best seen in the B & W CCD image.  Very nice collection of ovals just SW of GRS.  Note the "pea-shaped" characteristic of oval BA, now very nearly central to the GRS, and its continuing increased size.

(13 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . From: "Clay Sherrod" <>

To: "Agustin Sanchez" <>

Agustin -

 Once again thank you for the excellent charting.  This is a very valuable reference and one that clearly demonstrates quickly "where we are headed" with the Red Spot/BA interaction; from my observations AND you latter points on the chart (#2), it appears that BA has already begun a slight acceleration relative to the circulating current as well as to the GRS.

 Referring to the ASO Sky Patrol images posted from last night (Feb. 15 UT),

and (black and white CCD/low res)

 you can see that BA is positioned not exactly coincident with the central

minor axis of the GRS at this time, still slightly west of a true longitudinal alignment.

 NOTE that it appears quite evident at least at this time that BA may well pass unscathed south of the limits of the GRS; at this time they are well maintaining their "independent status."

 However, it does appear that some resulting effects of this interaction are occurring well preceding (east) of the GRS within the STrZ, with several oval feature evident just ahead of the spot as well as a newly emerging STrZ streak located in a latitude coincident with the major axis of the GRS.  The area of great intensity following BA is become quite dark as well, with many small transient white spot features emerging in areas southwest of BA.

(15 February 2002 email)



"jupiter0215a" - Seeing good; note the beautiful festoon activity within the NEZ and the very dark NEW gray streak/bar on the s. edge of the NEB, just on the CM!  Of most importance is the incredibly rapid development of features and transient activity just preceding the GRS in the STrZ.  Note evidence of another less distinct oval of the same latitude as BA just pr. BA and slightly pr. and south of the GRS; several smaller white features are also identifiable within this immediate area.  VERY interesting interaction just N. of the GRS with the SEBs component which appears to wrap "under" the perimeter of the spot.

 "jupiter0215b" - Seeing fair.  The intense dusky activity and features pr. the GRS are seen in this image.  Note very large and dark gray equatorial festoon emanating from the dark bar/streak on the NEBs edge.

(15 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . NOTES: "jupiter0217a" - Seeing very turbulent,focusing difficult.  Note the intensification directly south of GRS as well as the darkening fol the GRS and oval BA.  NOTE:  SIZE AND COLOR OF BA - A distinct PINK coloration (suspected on Feb. 15) is now very evident within oval BA; note is increased size in recent weeks.

 "jupiter0217b" - Seeing worst possible; focusing difficult.  Note the very dusky extensions throughout the region of BA and into peripheral areas of the GRS.  NICE RIFT now forming once again in NEB, pr. end at about 75d System II (162d III).

(17 February 2002 email)

@ . . . . . . Subject: ASO Jupiter - Feb. 18, 2002

Hello to all - with heavy cirrus clouds moving in, I was able to shoot this through the clouds during evening twilight....then the clouds came rolling in for a couple of days it appears!

 For those not receiving the image, please go to the ASO image archives for this shot at:

Note the pinkish tinge to oval BA and how it has grown in recent days, particularly over the course of the past 10 days.  Also note the string ofsmall white ovals/spots immediately following BA.  There is much activity surrounding the GRS as can be seen in this image, and likely due to current interactions as BA is now nearly central in longitudinal placement to the GRS.

 I expect a rapid change in motion for BA within only days, and am detecting a slight acceleration of it over its previous rate at this time.

 Beautiful rift forming very rapidly in the North Equatorial Belt....

(18 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - last send/clouds setting in! Feb. 18

this was taken in very poor conditions; shows the very prominent dark barge B-4 very well.  Note the nice irregularity in the south edge of the SEBs and the darkening taking place south of the SEB on the approaching limb....

(18 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . Hello Frank and welcome back!  Sounds like your seeing has been just about up to par to everyone else's lately....Thanks!

(19 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - February 20/21, 2002

Two shots only from tonight due to a frontal passage and very turbulent seeing.  The first image was taken in daylight, 10 minutes prior to sunset.

(21 February 2002 email)


@ . . . . . . Subject: ASO Jupiter Patrol - February 22, 2002

  Two Jupiter images concentrating on the GRS/BA area and showing the remarkably fast developing RIFT now forming at the same longitudes in the NEB.

 Note the wonderful morphology of features developing following the GRS/BA area....

NOTES: "jupiter0222b" - Seeing good.  Note the curious expansion of the SEBs component into ovoid character immediately following the GRS.  Very interesting disjunction of the STB also fol. the GRS/BA area.  The large andprominent NEb rift seen centered here is growing very rapidly and the delineation of the NEB diagonally is becoming increasingly pronounced each day.

"jupiter0222a" - Taken through steady skies and very thick cirrus clouds.

 Note the very marked growth of oval BA and turbulent nature of area immediately SE of the GRS, just prior to the new STrZ "Streak."

P Clay SHERROD (Arkansas, USA )
Arkansas Sky Observatory

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