From David M MOORE
. . . . . Subject: Saturn -
Here is a low res. Saturn image taken in what appeared to
be great seeing, but images were still a bit mushy for the long exposures
required for Saturn.
A nice green circle is apparent in the
Polar region.
@. . . . . . . . Subject: Mars - January 02. 2002
Dusk is usually my best seeing this
time of year. These images of Mars were taken just past sunset, and are poorer
than last weeks set. Contrast is pretty poor. I stacked a lot of images to get
them this good.
Comparing the images to a Mars map, many
features are identifiable however: Argyre, Mare Erythraeum, a bright Chryse,
and Solis Lacus to name a few. Images were enlarged 10 percent.
Hope the holidays were good for all! Now get back to work!!
Dave MOORE (