LtE in CMO #252

From  Giovanni A QUARRA SACCO

@. . . . . I am sorry that we could not send you any Mars images during the last opposition. Unfortunately our telescope is still without a dome and we had only a few chances to bring it out for Mars, but every time we had terrible seeing conditions.


 I thank you again for sending the CMO magazines because we could follow all the opposition evolution & most of the observations made around the world.

 Last weekend we took our new Mak 30cm f/30 to our friend observatory (P. Camaiti) in order to test the optical tube on Saturn & Jupiter (on his A.P.900-GTO mount) and with surprise had a few hours of good seeing (6~7/10) and could get several images of the ringed planet in different wavelengths. I enclose our preliminary result on Saturn and later on will send you some Jupiter images as well.    


We are happy to be back with some recent results and are confident that we will be ready to give our contribution during the next Mars opposition in 2003. 


 Best regards,        

(18 October 2001 email)

 Gianni QUARRA (Firenze, Italia)

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