2003 08 25 Ak Note
Martian Images taken on 25 August 2003 at 12:24~15:55 GMT by Tomio AKUTSU

  λ=248゚Ls,   (ω=177°~ 227°W,   φ=19°S),   δ=25.1",   ι=6°
  Seeing: 4-5/10. Transparency: 4/5

By the use of a 32 cm Newtonian @ f33 (extended by PJ-20mm eyepiece) equipped with Bitran's cooled ccd camera BJ-41L (Sony ICX 285AL).

Image data are
    23-32 R images each with 0.15-0.6 secs
    15-24 G images each with 0.15-0.22 secs
    20-29 B images each with 0.8-2 secs   (+Fuji SP-4)

    10-26 IR (820nm) images each exposed with 0.6-2 secs

Filters used: IDAS interference RGB filters of Type 2.

The Akutsu Observatory is located (140.2°E, 36.6°N) at Karasuyama, Tochigi, Japan.

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