(ω=115°W, φ=21°S), δ=19.6", ι=31°
This drawing was made on the morning of July 17, 2003 from eastern
Highlands County, Florida. Chris Stephan was the team leader for a joint
IOTA/ALPO expedition to observe the Mars graze. Our location was set up at the
50% mid graze line. The sky was perfectly clear. 7 people made up the team.
They were: Earl Conrad, Doug Morton, Greg Shanos, Donald Parker, Jeff
Beish, Andy Chaikin, and Chris Stephan. Our coordinates were:
W81 03'.19, N27 17'.92, height = 10 meters
Seeing =8. Transparency 5, Altitude 50°.
15cm Newtonian, 185x
at eastern Highlands County, Florida.