2003 0612 JBs Note
Martian Drawings on 12 June 2003
at 07:40~09:50 GMT by Jeffrey D BEISH.

  λ=202゚Ls,   (ω=070°~075°W, 098°~102°W,   φ=21°S),   δ=13.8",   ι=41°

07:40 - 08:00 GMT (ω=070°~075°W)   520x
SPC clear. MH from 70°s to NPR (Limb Arc). EH south limb. EC in Chryse-Xanthe. Ophir bright with some ice-fog or ground fog. MC. BC =0.
  Seeing = 7-8. Transparency 5, Altitude 37°

09:35 - 09:50 GMT (ω= 098°~102°W, ).   350-660x
SPC clear. MH from 70s to NPR (Limb Arc). EH south limb. EC in Chryse-Xanthe. Ophir bright. MC. DC over Olympus Mons. BC =1.
  Seeing = 7-8. Transparency 5, Altitude 37°.

41cm f /6.9 Newtonian
Wratten Filters: W23A, W25, W33, W57, W64, W38A, W47.

NOTE: Mars is steady with many details. Did not see terminator projection at same CM as yesterday

The Beish Observatory is located (81°19'34.7"W, 27°21'07.1"N) at Lake Placid, FL, USA.

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