Dear Masatsugu:
A very interesting suggestion from the renowned French planetary astronomer
Audouin Dollfus...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 5:15 AM
Subject: edom flashes
> Dear mr Dobbins
> Thank hou for your very interesting message about flashing Edom.
> If the effect is due to specular reflection on shining surfaces,
> the light should be highly polarized. Could it be possible to
> observe through a polaroid, oriented to transmit the polarized
> light parallel to the direction of the lines of cusps, and then
> perpendicular to this direction, several times alternatively?
> I observed a specular polarization effect on the Moon, see
> for exemple my paper in ICARUS, 140, pp 313 to 327 (1999). On the
> Moon, covered essentially by very small grains, the effect should
> be smaller than with anticiped larger elements on Mars.
> Sincerely Audouin DOLLFUS