Tom Dobbins / Edom
Letters to the Editor

from Tom DOBBINS

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom & Karen Dobbins
To: C Martin Gaskell
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 10:35 PM
Subject: REVISED ephemerides for specular reflections at Edom, July-August, 2001

Dear Masatsugu:

As Professor Gaskell has pointed out in a recent communication:"Assuming that reflecting ice crystals are suspended horizontally, thecondition for specular reflection around local noon when Mars is inopposition is that the latitude of the reflecting region equals the meanof the declination of the sun (D(S)) and the declination of the earth(D(e)). Although this is stated correctly on p. 122 of T. Dobbins & W. Sheehan (2001, Sky & Telescope, 101, 115), their table on p. 123 is instead for the condition D(S) = D(e) around opposition. The mean of the declinations of the earth and sun in this table are +2 degrees while the crater Schiaparelli in Edom Promontorium lies at a latitude of -2 degrees. The specular reflection conditions will actually be met most closely at end of July, one half of the phase angle after each central meridian transit."

Here is my best effort at generating ephemerides, based on the following presumptions: Edom Promintorium stretches from -7 to 4 degrees in latitude and 345 to353 degrees in longitude. These values are based on Gerard de Vaucouleurs' analysis of Shiro Ebisawa's map (see Gerard de Vaucouleurs "Charting the Martian Surface" S&T, October 1965, pp. 196-201.) According to the Batson, Bridges, Inge "Atlas of Mars" (NASA, 1979), the Schiaparelli crater is centered at 343 degrees longitude, -3 degrees latitude. I have used a value of 345 degrees for Edom Promintorium for calculating the times of possible future events.

It would appear that Japanese observers may yet have an opprtunity to witness these events without leaving their native soil!

Tom Dobbins


De = Declination of Earth from Mars
Ds = Declination of Sun from Mars
(De + Ds)/2 = Martian latitude of possible specular reflection

July 11     De = 7.0     Ds = -5.7    (De+Ds)/2 =  0.65    
July 12     De = 7.0     Ds = -5.9    (De+Ds)/2 =  0.55    
July 13     De = 7.1     Ds = -6.2    (De+Ds)/2 =  0.45    
July 14     De = 7.1     Ds = -6.4    (De+Ds)/2 =  0.30    
July 15     De = 7.2     Ds = -6.7    (De+Ds)/2 =  0.25    
July 16     De = 7.2     Ds = -6.9    (De+Ds)/2 =  0.15    
July 17     De = 7.2     Ds = -7.1    (De+Ds)/2 =  0.05    
July 18     De = 7.2     Ds = -7.4    (De+Ds)/2 = -0.10   
July 19     De = 7.2     Ds = -7.6    (De+Ds)/2 = -0.20   
July 20     De = 7.2     Ds = -7.8    (De+Ds)/2 = -0.30   
July 21     De = 7.2     Ds = -8.1    (De+Ds)/2 = -0.45   
July 22     De = 7.2     Ds = -8.3    (De+Ds)/2 = -0.55   
July 23     De = 7.2     Ds = -8.5    (De+Ds)/2 = -0.65   
July 24     De = 7.2     Ds = -8.8    (De+Ds)/2 = -0.80   
July 25     De = 7.1     Ds = -9.0    (De+Ds)/2 = -1.05   
July 26     De = 7.1     Ds = -9.3    (De+Ds)/2 = -1.10   
July 27     De = 7.0     Ds = -9.5    (De+Ds)/2 = -1.25   
July 28     De = 7.0     Ds = -9.7    (De+Ds)/2 = -1.35   
July 29     De = 6.9     Ds = -10.0   (De+Ds)/2 = -1.55   
July 30     De = 6.8     Ds = -10.2   (De+Ds)/2 = -1.70   
July 31     De = 6.7     Ds = -10.5   (De+Ds)/2 = -1.90   
Aug  01     De = 6.7     Ds = -10.7   (De+Ds)/2 = -2.00   
Aug  02     De = 6.6     Ds = -10.9   (De+Ds)/2 = -2.15   
Aug  03     De = 6.5     Ds = -11.0   (De+Ds)/2 = -2.25   
Aug  04     De = 6.4     Ds = -11.2   (De+Ds)/2 = -2.40   
Aug  05     De = 6.3     Ds = -11.5   (De+Ds)/2 = -2.60   
Aug  06     De = 6.2     Ds = -11.7   (De+Ds)/2 = -2.75   
Aug  07     De = 6.1     Ds = -11.9   (De+Ds)/2 = -2.90   
Aug  08     De = 6.0     Ds = -12.1   (De+Ds)/2 = -3.05    
Aug  09     De = 5.9     Ds = -12.4   (De+Ds)/2 = -3.25   
Aug  10     De = 5.7     Ds = -12.6   (De+Ds)/2 = -3.45   


Phase i = Planetocentric elongation of Mars with respect to Earth and Sun in degrees
(Phase i)/2 = Distance in degrees of longitude from CM (in direction of evening limb post opposition) of possible specular reflection
Longitude Offset = 345 + (Phase i)/2 = longitude of Martian CM for specular reflection at Edom Promintorium
Time = Nominal UT time of possible specular reflection at Edom Promintorium
July 11    Phase i = 22.9 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 11.4  Longitude Offset =356.4  Time = 04:28 
July 12    Phase i = 23.6 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 11.8  Longitude Offset =356.8  Time = 05:05   
July 13    Phase i = 24.3 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 12.2  Longitude Offset =357.2  Time = 05:46   
July 14    Phase i = 24.9 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 12.4  Longitude Offset =357.4  Time = 06:23   
July 15    Phase i = 25.6 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 12.8  Longitude Offset =357.8  Time = 07:01    
July 16    Phase i = 26.2 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 13.1  Longitude Offset =358.1  Time = 07:42     
July 17    Phase i = 26.9 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 13.5  Longitude Offset =358.5  Time = 08:19     
July 18    Phase i = 27.5 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 13.8  Longitude Offset =358.8  Time = 08:56     
July 19    Phase i = 28.1 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 14.0  Longitude Offset =359.0  Time = 09:38      
July 20    Phase i = 28.7 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 14.4  Longitude Offset =359.4  Time = 10:15     
July 21    Phase i = 29.3 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 14.6  Longitude Offset =359.6  Time = 10:53     
July 22    Phase i = 29.8 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 14.9  Longitude Offset =359.9  Time = 11:30      
July 23    Phase i = 30.4 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 15.2  Longitude Offset =000.2  Time = 12:12        
July 24    Phase i = 30.9 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 15.5  Longitude Offset =000.5  Time = 12:49          
July 25    Phase i = 31.5 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 15.8  Longitude Offset =000.8  Time = 13:27         
July 26    Phase i = 32.0 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 16.0  Longitude Offset =001.0  Time = 14:08          
July 27    Phase i = 32.5 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 16.3  Longitude Offset =001.3  Time = 14:47             
July 28    Phase i = 33.0 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 16.5  Longitude Offset =001.5  Time = 15:25             
July 29    Phase i = 33.4 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 16.7  Longitude Offset =001.7  Time = 16:02            
July 30    Phase i = 33.9 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 17.0  Longitude Offset =002.0  Time = 16:44             
July 31    Phase i = 34.4 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 17.2  Longitude Offset =002.2  Time = 17:23             
Aug  01    Phase i = 34.8 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 17.4  Longitude Offset =002.4  Time = 18:01          
Aug  02    Phase i = 35.2 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 17.6  Longitude Offset =002.6  Time = 18:42          
Aug  03    Phase i = 35.7 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 17.8  Longitude Offset =002.8  Time = 19:21             
Aug  04    Phase i = 36.1 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 18.0  Longitude Offset =003.0  Time = 19:59              
Aug  05    Phase i = 36.5 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 18.3  Longitude Offset =003.3  Time = 20:37               
Aug  06    Phase i = 36.8 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 18.4  Longitude Offset =003.4  Time = 21:16             
Aug  07    Phase i = 37.2 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 18.6  Longitude Offset =003.6  Time = 21:57                   
Aug  08    Phase i = 37.6 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 18.8  Longitude Offset =003.8  Time = 22:33                   
Aug  09    Phase i = 37.9 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 19.0  Longitude Offset =004.0  Time = 23:14                   
Aug  10    Phase i = 38.3 degrees  (Phase i)/2 = 19.2  Longitude Offset =004.2  Time = 23.53                  

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom & Karen Dobbins
To: Masatsugu MINAMI
Cc: Bill Sheehan ;
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 12:28 PM
Subject: Analysis of June 7 and June 8 Martian flares

The anomalous brightenings at Edom Promintorium witnessed from the Florida Keys occured at under the conditions described below...

1.) June 7, 2001 6:40 to 7:20 U.T.

Phase i (planetocentric elongation of Mars with respect to Earth and Sun) = 5.9 degrees
(Phase i)/2 = distance in degrees of longitude from CM (in the direction of the morning limb prior to the date of opposition) of the source of specular reflection = ~3 degrees

CM at 6:40 UT was 330 degrees; CM at 7:20 was 342 degrees. This corresponds to sources at longitudes of 333 to 345 degrees, assuming a horizontal, planar reflecting surface.

De = 1.7 degrees Ds = 2.5 degrees Assuming a horizontal reflecting surface, the nominal position of the source of the reflection should be at (1.7 + 2.5)/2 = 2.1 degrees.

2.) June 8, 2001 7:00 to 7:20 UT and 7:53 to 8:24 UT

Phase i (planetocentric elongation of Mars with respect to Earth and Sun) = 5.1 degrees
(Phase i)/2 = distance in degrees of longitude from CM (in the direction of the morning limb prior to the date of opposition) of the source of specular reflection = ~2.5 degrees

CM at 7:00 UT was 326 degrees; CM at 7:20 was 331 degrees. This corresponds to sources at longitudes of 328.5 to 333.5 degrees.

CM at 7:53 UT was 339 degrees; CM at 8:24 was 347 degrees. This corresponds to sources at longitudes of approximately 342 to 349 degrees, assuming a horizontal, planar reflecting surface.

De = 1.9 degrees Ds = 2.2 degrees Assuming a horizontal reflecting surface, the nominal position of the source of the reflection should be at (1.9 + 2.2)/2 = 2.05 degrees.

It is noteworthy that despite a source latitude of 2.1 to 2.5 degrees suggested by the values of De and Ds, the apparent location of the center of the activity appeared to be several degrees to the south.

Tom DOBBINS (Coshocton, OH, USA)