Sam WHITBY #226
Letters to the Editor
in CMO #226
@. . . .
Thank you for the message and the very fine photo of the Sun-dog. For the most recent week we have had unusually cold weather, and I expected to see more Sun-dogs and such, but there have been only a few, and those were not as spectacular as the one that Murakami photographed. This evening we had a fine display of crepuscular and anti-crepuscular rays.
Randy Tatum called this afternoon, and he said he suspected a rapid increase in the longitude of Jupiter's Red Spot, based on longitudes measured from a video.
My family, with the lone exception of Tyler, has been sick with severe colds. I went to my doctor this morning, knowing he could not cure me but hoping for some relief. The medication that he prescribed seems to have helped.
Tyler did not nap today, and a little while ago he fell asleep beside his supper plate. I awakened him, in order that he not miss his supper. With a little luck, he and I will both get to sleep early.
(4 Dec 1999 email)
Samuel WHITBY ( VA, USA ) :