Dear Masatsugu, The attached link will help you find a page that has some of the best atmospheric phenomena photos that I have seen. One photo shows the circumhorizontal arc, which I saw for the first time this June.
@. . . . Dear Mr. Murakami, Thank you for keeping me up to date. I always enjoy the CMO.
@. . . .
It is good to hear from you. I know you have had a very busy time. Your industrious observation is well appreciated here (in the Whitby household, and in the homes of those who listen to it). I have just recently told someone of your amazing number of drawings in a large number of apparitions, and I remarked that I do not know how you find the strength to do them.
It is only to be expected that observers would experience a sense of letdown-or mild depression- at the end of an apparition. At any rate, I have experienced that feeling. One knows that the best is over for a long time, perhaps for always. That cannot help but carry a pang of regret. Please do rest and recuperate.
I have continued to be mindful of your mother's health problems-and how they must concern you and your family.
I have not written directly to Mr. Higa yet, but I intend to do so.
After some rest I will write more. You made some good points about the International Who's Who.