Elisabeth SIEGEL #221

Letters to the Editor

from Elisabeth SIEGEL in CMO #221

@. . . . . Yes, you're absolutely right in what you write in CMO No.219, p.2539 : it is difficult to observe Mars in the Nordic countries at this time of the year. As I don't have a fixed observatory, I am totally dependent on being able to locate Mars visually in the sky at the beginning of the observing session, and at this time of the year this is not possible before 22:30 local time-the sky is simply too bright before that time. And at that time, Mars is already sinking in the southwest . . . . .
  I hope to be able to make a few more observations this season, but we've had very rainy and cloudy weather for the last couple of weeks, and there is no immediate promise of it getting better.
  My warmest thanks for all the CMO's and the very best wishes for you, your family and all our Mars colleagues.
(1 July 1999)

Elisabeth SIEGEL ( Malling, DENMARK )