Damian PEACH #217

Letters to the Editor

From Damian PEACH in CMO #217

@ . . . . . Here are more Mars images. Bright clouds over Tharsis, Arcadia and Tempe.
(30 Apr 1999 email)

@ . . . . . Thanks for your reply, i hope you are having good views of the Syrtis Major region . . . . and a good apparition overall. Weather here has been is usuall variable self, hopefully it will start to improve as Summer approaches.
(1 May 1999 email)

@ . . . . . Here is a composite image made from the nearest images taken within an 8min "window" centered on 01:06 UT from Apr 30th, it is a 4 image composite. . . . some of the finer details stand out better such as Tithonius and Phoenicis Lacus. More images soon. . . .
(3 May 1999 email)

Damian PEACH (Norfolk UK) : Assistant Coordinator, ALPO Jupiter Section