David GRAY #216

Letters to the Editor

from David GRAY in CMO #216

@. . . . . Please find enclosed some quick printouts of my observations from the last period. I suspect these will have arrived too late; but have had little time to get things sorted properly.

  Being unemployed for almost a year I have, since 14 March, been working at a bakery in a nearby town called Shildon - a 4 mile bicycle ride away. This has left me with little time to get the drawings copied. The job is nightshift every week c.20:20 to c.05:00 BST or UT end October to end March; (my previous was alternating dayshift and nightshift weeks). I have Saturday night off then a night during the week on a rota basis (excepting Thursday). This means every so many weeks I get Friday night throught to Manday night off; although we normally work Sundays otherwise. This is the ideal situation, however, it often gets rather complicated by people being off ill or Bank Holidays which are always busy times for bakers - especially Easter one! I was ill myself (chest infection), and this was the final straw that caused observation proccessing to be uncompleted, especially as I did not want to take time off from a place I had only just started at!! So spent a lot of time resting between shifts; and ate a lot of raw garlic which definitely help clear it up more quickly! Thank goodness the staff I work with were understanding regarding the odour!!
  It is obvious from the above that if the weather is unkind I could go some time without getting observations of a critically placed planet. So far I have had surprising number of clear nights on my nights off - except I was too unwilling to take advantage of some of them! Parmanent nightshift is not a happy choice but there has really been nothing else on offer - especially for a 55 year old. I did find work during September, but this was a terrible bakery, run by cynically exploitive people and we parted company by mutual agreement.
  Sorry for the lateness of things but we try to get matters back on track now - I have Friday-Sunday off this weekend (23 April); all being well that is!!

(17 Apr 1999)

David GRAY ( Durham, UK )