David GRAHAM #221
Letters to the Editor
in CMO #221
@. . . . . Today I have dispatched two Mars observations to you by airmail. I must apologise for there being few in number but due to changing personal circumstances I have been unable to spend as much time at the eyepiece of a telescope as I would like.
Thank you for sending further copies of "Communications in Mars observations"; it is always a pleasure to hear of fellow Mars enthusiasts world-wide!
(29 June 1999)
@. . . . . Many thanks for your speedy response to my original communication. In answer to your question, the English weather has probably provided the usual number (which is enough!) of clear evenings on which to observe Mars this apparition, though the red planet is fading fast, certainly as seen from here. I am pleased to learn that my airmail package reached you in quick time. I believe David Gray may not have been in touch lately because he is in new employment which leaves him little time for astronomical observing and reporting.
(5 July 1999)
David GRAHAM ( North Yorkshire, UK ) : dave@grah.swinternet.co.uk