Brian COLVILLE #226
Letters to the Editor
in CMO #226
@ . . . .
I have attached images taken on the nights of November 30 and December 1. I did a little better this time in sending tem out on time.
Each image includes a methane image, plus a set of near IR, RGB and LRGB using the IR image as the L channel with the RGB file.
Each night has a few interesting features. The Nov 30 image shows the GRS near transit and the presence of the white ovals stradling it. Another white oval is visible to the north of the GRS, following it in the STB. This was not visible in images taken earlier in the month. The spot is very evident in the IR and methane images.
The Dec 1 image shows a set of small dark marks along the southern edge of the STB stradling the central meridian, and two dark spots embedded in the centre of the STB just to the north of the spots at its edge. Has anyone else noted these?
These two nights were some of the best in recent memory for observing. Jupiter was beautiful in my 4" guide scope, showing much of the detail shown here.
(4 Dec 1999 email)
@ . . . .
I have attached the final images from my Dec 9 imaging session. Many dark spots in the NEB, and many fine details along the SEBn and in the north edge of the SPR. A plume from the NEB appears to be crossing the EB near the CM.
(11 Dec 1999 email)
Brian COLVILLE (Cambray, Ontario, Canada) :
Maple Ridge Observatory