André NIKOLAI #225
Letters to the Editor
in CMO #225
@ . . . . Thank you for your congratulations to our 10th Anniversary (on 9 Nov) of the unification of Germany. This event was very remarkable. I see this with a laughing and a crying eye. The laughing one is the unificated Germany and the fall of the wall. The crying one is for the lost chance ten years ago, to build a new free nation and also a new free Europe in the tradition of thinkers and philosophers like Schiller, Göthe and Mendelssohn. But the situation of Germany is good in comparison with eastern Europe. Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria for all fallen down in economy caused by the martial IMF policy. Also Russia was crimed and corrupted by the IMF. These nations were important trading partners of the eastern countries of Germany, ten years after they were loose. Many people are without work, the industrial production decreased dramatically, most in the former GDR. The people without jobs raised from 2.2mio up to more than 4mio. in the last ten years. If this policy will not be changed, there is no hope for getting better.
I had read that Japan also have massive problems. Save Japan, not the banks! This problems are worldwide all the same. Hold the Caucasian conflicts in your eye, there might a new pool for a long and worse war, that could escalate into a new world war. It is really so bad? I think its more bad! (Look also at This great man must be noted.)
Sorry for that much off topic. But its not easy for us and I could write much more about that. I hope you are all well. Sorry also that I had contributed no more Mars observations to you. I have not so much time and then Jupiter raised up from horizon, so I was very busy with Jupiter observations. Also in writing a Jupiter report about the 1998 apparition. Last night I had taken once more much images from Jupiter and some of Saturn. I have enclosed one of Jupiter, the best once I had ever made. Taken at the WFS-6"-Doppelrefraktor.
(12 Nov 1999 email)
André NIKOLAI (Berlin, Germany) :