Andre NIKOLAI #217
Letters to the Editor
in CMO #217
@ . . . . please feel free to publish and forward the photo and mars images from mine. The telescope were new painted several years before. The dome was also build in 1962. The large dome of the 12"-Bamberg refraktor was made 1902. But the drive technique of the 6"-dome is old and primitive.
Don't worry also for late reply. I can understand very good that the publishing of issues and articles need much work and time. The CMO #215 arrived already, thanks.
Best wishes to you all
PS. Today we have a thunderstorm and raining here.
(23 Apr 1999 email)
@ . . . . Last night I had taken some new Mars images. The seeing was a little bit better than April 2nd. The conditions were the same like April 2nd (Camera, WFS-6"-Doppelrefraktor and filtering). In the second image a little cloud had devloped over Cydonia. Near southpole a little bit left of it, is a tiny faint brightness which I have also seen visually (integrated light).
(1 May 1999 email)
Andre NIKOLAI (Berlin, Germany) :