Andre NIKOLAI #215
Letters to the Editor
in CMO #215
@ . . . . Here are my first Mars images. The weather here in Germany was mainly cloudy. End of March and at begin of April were the first usable nights, but with poor transparency and also poor seeing. The enclosed images were taken with the 150/2250 (6"-Doppelrefraktor) at WFS and my OES LcCCD14SC-Camera. Used filters: B+W 480 dark blue (Schott BG 12, Wratten #47), B+W 091 deep red (Schott RG 630, Wratten #29).
Thank you for constant sending of CMO. Your new layout is very usable for comparing with other observations and also an easy finding to all items.
(7 Apr 1999 email)
Andre NIKOLAI (Berlin, Germany) :