2001 June Dust Storm Images 038
28 March 2002 (349°Ls)

  60cm Cassegrain with a Sony TRV-900
  The Sakai City Observatory

GMT: 28 March 2002 at 08h51m 
LCM: 055°W   Apparent Diameter: 4.4"
Ls: 349° Central latitude: 15°S
Seeing: 4/10    Transparency: 3/5

Cmposite image of 99 video frames taken by
Sony TRV-900 exposure=1/125 second with prism 5°
By the use of a 60cm Cassegrain at the Sakai City Observatory

GMT: 28 March 2002 at 09h15m 
LCM: 061°W   Apparent Diameter: 4.4"
Ls: 349°  Central latitude: 15°S
S: 4/10    T: 3/5

Composite image of 83 video frames taken by
Sony TRV-900 exposure=1/125 second equipped with prism 5°
By the use of a 60cm Cassegrain at the Sakai City Observatory