D.C. Parker, Coral Gables, FL. Lynxx PC camera 16-in (41cm) F/6 NEWTONIAN
Eyepiece Projection @ f/44.2
Integration Times:
BLUE (Koheisha, 445nm peak central; BWHM 105nm) 2.60s
GREEN (Koheisha, 540nm peak central; BWHM 75nm) 0.82s
RED (RG610 - No IR Rejection) 0.18s
Images flat and dark corrected.
Seeing good (7-8, Pickering). Transparency good (5m). Wind E 0-1 kts.
Altitude = 44-41 degrees. Mild dew.
Albedo features appear fairly normal in morphology and intensity both visually
and on CCD. Hesperia clear of dust. Cimmerium M. dark with Laestrygonum Sinus
prominent. Scamander seen separating Eridania and Electris. Trivium-Cerberus
barely visible, possibly because of the axial tilt.
East limb and arctic haze persists. SPC tiny, bright with "outliers" to its
north and west.