Kent De GROFF ( LCM=146°W )
25cm spec with a NIKON COOLPIX 950
Tomio AKUTSU ( LCM=190°W)
32cm spec with a Teleris 2
Tomio AKUTSU ( LCM=200°W)
32cm spec with a Teleris 2
Yukio MORITA RGB ( LCM=184°~200°W )
25cm spec with an ST-5C
Yukio MORITA IR ( LCM=183°~216°W )
25cm spec with an ST-5C
Akinori NISHITA ( LCM=225°W )
20cm refractor at the Fukui City Observatory
Robert SCHULZ ( LCM=310°W )
30cm refractor with a webcom Philips ToUcam Pro
António José CIDADÃO ( LCM=315°W~347°W )
25cm LX200 SCT with an ST-5C + AO-2